CHAPTER 1- Nightmare

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Standing still where I was, I stared at the familiar surroundings of my hometown "Liatard".

The streets were empty, with only the luscious green grasses swaying in the evening wind and the well-made houses which were crafted from the nearby forest trees and unique limestones, that glowed an orange shade as the sun shone on them.

But, despite the beautiful scenery, something was off.

Liatard was not known for having a quiet evening, the streets should have been packed with people by now.

As this thought ran through my mind there was a shift in my vision. The once marvelous houses were now set ablaze by fire. The streets that seemed empty a moment ago, were now packed with people screaming and running....'Running from what?'

As this scene unfolds before me a thought clicked in my head. "Mom, Dad, where are they?"

It was no use trying to ask the people running away, but knowing who my Dad was, it was likely for him to be where this all started. Thinking this, I started running in the opposite direction of the town's people using a speed-enhancing spell I saw my Dad did once.

Being that I was only 8 the spell was a lot weaker than my Dad's, so I was slower. By the time I reached there everyone was gone, the only thing that remained was the countless dead bodies on the luscious green grass that was now covered in blood.

I cut the spell and started walking around. Before me, the bodies lying on the ground had huge gashes that couldn't have been made by a sword or any weapon of that sort. The scene was gruesome, the foul stench of blood was so unbearable the thought of throwing up crossed my mind.

As I readied to cast the spell again I spotted something. Laying on the ground with a large slash in her abdomen was my mother.

"Mom!" I shouted as I ran to where she was, but it was evident that she was long dead with her lifeless eyes and abnormally pale skin. Holding back my tears I started to search the other bodies for my father, but before I could look any further I heard a cry of an animal that was filled with pain.

I immediately sprinted for the corner where it was coming from, and the sight greeted me was heart-wrenching.

My father was on one knee steadying himself with his sword, behind him was a motionless scaled monster that was bigger than any animal I have ever seen. While in front of him was an even bigger one, charging right for him. He tried to stand up to defend himself but he just fell back on his knee.

"Dad!!" I shouted, but that's all I could do as I watch the monster tore through my father.


The monster hearing my screams set its sights on me and started sprinting towards me.

I couldn't move.

Fear paralyzed me to the spot.

Only a few yards before me, I could see the creature more clearly. It was twice the size of a normal man on all fours, with long sharp claws that dug into the earth as it ran towards me.

Its face was covered in pitch-black scales that were a contrast to its bloodthirsty red eyes. Its mouth was filled with a dark liquid that drooled past its lips, 'My father's blood'. Its teeth were incomparable to a lion as it opened its mouth ready to devour me.

Only feets away from me now I finally regain movement, but it was too late.


As it lunges itself towards me, I put my hands up in a measly attempt to protect myself.


I prepared for its teeth to sink into my flesh but it never came.

"Steven, wake up you moron, or else you're gonna wake the whole damn village with your shouting!"


I open my eyes to the blinding light of the sun coming through the window of the three-person bedroom. It took me a moment to remember where I was. I was staying in a village named "Taurus Village", named after Marcus Taurus the founder. It was thousands of miles away from Liatard...away from my childhood.

"Come on Steven, get up already will you".

"It's been nearly six years since then, you should be over it by now. Not having nightmares every night".

"That's not something you just get over Ad. {A/N – Ad is short for Adrian}. I watched my parents die", I said while sitting up on my bed.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that, but we have to go".

"Go where?" I let my eyes wander around the room and realize he and I are the only ones in it.

"Where's Samuel, and why are you wearing your uniform it's a Saturday?" I ask him as he stood in front of the mirror fixing his curly brown hair that ran past his shoulders.

"Samuel is with Elizabeth, and they're outside waiting for us so we can go to the Sorcerer Candidate Ceremony. Which requires us to wear our uniforms. Remember? so hurry up"

"What!? Isn't that next Saturday" I said jumping up.

"Ugh, weren't your ears functioning yesterday, how did you even get the top grade for the practical classes when you have a concentration span of five seconds. Everyone in the class was going on, and on, about how they were excited to become Sorcerer Candidates. It's so pitiful watching them, some won't even become a Sorcerer Candidate,  while compared to me, the first-ever Enhancer to complete their course with a year to spear, there nothing", saying all that Adrian started walking towards the door.

"Not necessarily. Since a year ago the village elders have been granting every graduate Apprentice the tittle of a Sorcerer Candidate, regardless if they haven't passed their practical course"

"What!?" Adrian froze at the door while letting out a shout.

"Yeah, you haven't notice that more and more guards have been patrolling the village? They're the ones who failed their practical course. I might not be a good listener like you, but I do pay attention to details"

"So don't go crying because I got a higher score than you in our practical course."

"Two marks!!, you only beat me by two marks. That's nothing to act all high and mighty over" Andrian spins around and pointed a finger at me.

"Weren't you the one acting all and mighty, when you were boasting about for being the first Enhancer to finish his course early?" I said, while lifting a brow.

"Shut it and hurry up, or I'll tell Sam and Beth to leave without".

"Don't you da...." The door closed behind Adrian before I could finish. "He wouldn't", I whispered under my breath.

"I would too if you don't hurry up!"

"Stupid Enhancers, with their enhanced hearing.".

"You know your one too!" he shouted from outside.

"Ugh" I scrunched up my face as I hurried to get ready.


I laughed as I ran down the stairs of the school dorm to the front entrance.

"Well you're in a good mood," said Elizabeth. "Of course, since I get to see your face," I replied while walking over to where she and Sam were. "In your dreams Adrian," she said in a snarky tone.

"Always," I said, unfazed by her statement.

"Why don't you both just say I do? You've been like this since......forever" Sam said from the side, cutting into our moment.

"Don't make unfunny jokes Sammy" said Elizabeth with a deadpan expression on her face.

"I'm just stating the obvious Liz, we've been friends even before Steven came to Taurus"

"The three of us are close friends, but lately you guys are starting to bicker like a couple" Elizabeth gave Sam a death glare while he just laughs in response.

Sorcerer CandidateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora