Chapter 3- The True Rulers Of The Sky Kingdom

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In the town square, there was a large podium surrounded by hundreds of people, some of which could be seen with joyous expressions written all over their faces.

From the windows of the restaurants and stores near to the bustling square, you could see the heads of other individuals sticking out, as the town square was too packed to hold them.

Above the crowd floated an ingeniously invented magical device, that allows the town's people, who were at a different location, to watch the Sorcerer Candidate Ceremony on a projected screen.

Between the podium and the crowd was a fifty-meter-wide space that was filled with rows of chairs accommodating the graduating students of Taurus Village's most prestigious magic school, 'Taurus School of Magic'*.

In the center of the podium, a nine feet tall monolith that gave off an ancient historic feeling was situated there. Next to it, was a man who looked to be in his mid-30's, he stood there with both arms folded behind his back. He wore an all-black attire with a vest and waistcoat, along with gold-rimmed spectacles on his face, he gave the impression of being someone with experience and outstanding knowledge.

He was the current Headmaster of Taurus Scool of Magic, and brother of the town's mayor, Vincent Taurus.

When he had been younger, he was declared to be the most outstanding genius in Taurus Village's history, using only 6 years to becoming a level 7 Sorcerer Candidate, which had stun, everybody, at the time, as he was only 16 years old. He would then go on to become the first person to surpass a 9th level Sorcerer Candidate and become a rank 1 Magic Sorcerer.

A Magic Sorcerer was an extremely powerful existence. They're able to fly through the sky, summon lightning thunderstorms with a gesture of a hand, and destroy mountains with another.

If you pitted a dozen level 9 Sorcerer Candidates against a rank 1 Magic Sorcerer, they would be squashed like a bug, having no chance to retaliate.

Not to say that a level 9 Sorcerer Candidate was weak, but if a dozen of them wanted to put up a fight against a Magic Sorcerer, then all of them would need to learn 'chant-less magic', otherwise, before they could even cast a spell, they would be killed with the point of a finger from a Magic Sorcerer as they don't need to chant their spells.

But, the chance of finding someone who could use chant-less magic before becoming Magic Sorcerer was a one in ten million odds.

On the stage, Vincent removed one of his hands from behind his back and raised it in the air, immediately afterward the noisy crowd slowly quieted down. This simple action goes to show how much respect he commanded.

"Greetings my fellow citizens, and welcome to Taurus Village's 18th Sorcerer Candidate Ceremony"

"I'm sure everyone is excited to see this generation's talented students become newly promoted Sorcerer Candidates and future pillars of our town, but before starting the ceremony I'd like to announce two things first" Vincent paused and fixed his glasses before continuing his speech.

"As most of you may know, our school and many others are somewhat of a sub-branch of the Sky Kingdom's number 1 magic academy 'Avian Magic Academy '. They are the ones responsible for teaching the Kingdoms Sorcerer Candidates from level 3 and onwards. The reason they did this was to save the resources they would've used to teach students at levels 1 and 2, and I said 'was' because as of now they've decided to abandon that rule.

That's the first news, the second is that in light of their decision....our school will no longer be taking in students"

As the shocking announcement was made, all the town's people, the ones in the square and the ones watching on the projections erupted with noise.

This news was just too sudden, Taurus School of Magic was a school that was old as the town, and now, out of nowhere, it was closing its doors, of course, there would be such a large reaction to such a piece of news.

Upon the stage, Vincent's face was expressionless, as if the news didn't bother him. However, that couldn't be farther from the truth. When he had heard of Avian Magic Academy's decision his face had lost all blood from shock.

Even though they didn't specifically state that the schools had to close their doors, but, their implied meaning behind their decision was loud and clear, 'Since we've decided to accept students at the level 1 Sorcerer Candidate stage, what's the use in leaving your schools open then'

It wasn't just their sub-branches that they were forcing to closed down, but even schools not affiliated with them they were shutting down. With their power as the Sky Kingdom's number 1 academy, no one could go against their decision. Not even the King who was said to be at the rank 9 Magic Sorcerer stage could do anything about it, if he did, then by the next day someone would replace him.

The Avian Academy practically has the Sky Kingdom in its palms, anyone or anything that goes against them would be blotted out of existence. Vincent knew this fact all too well, as he was once a student there, and to say the least, his talent was considered average at best when compared to the real monsters there, people like him were as numerous as the sands on an open beach, he wasn't considered anything special.....

The crowd was still noisy even after a while, seeing this, Vincent couldn't help but sigh. He didn't know what Avian Academy was planing by doing this, but he did have some speculations based on what the town elders told him, 'Their preparing for something and anything that needed such preparations from them couldn't be anything small.....'

"Everyone Quite Down!!!" Vincent didn't speak loudly, but as his words left his mouth it echoed in everyone's ear like thunder.

"I know that some of you are worried about the future of our town if we were to send everyone to Avian Academy, but let me assure you not only will it benefit us in the long run, it will also benefit your children's future as well!!...."

Vincent felt absolutely sick after saying that, but what should he have said, 'the town future looks bleak, and your children are probably being conscripted to a war?' Don't be ridiculous.

As the crowd calmed down, Vincent spoke up again, "Let's put that matter aside for now, we are here today because of our new Sorcerer Candidates. The ceremony will begin shortly, so I welcome our first batch to come up to the podium" As he finished speaking the first row of students infront of the podium stood up and started walking towards it uniformly.

The adults in the crowd weren't the only ones to react to the news of the school closing its doors, after all, if anyone was the most attached to the school it was the students themselves. Some of them could be seen with sadden expressions as they walked dazedly towards the podium, among them was Elizabeth. She and the others were in separate batches so they would be taking the test to find out their natural element separately.

"I'm sure you all know this already, but as a reminder, all you need to do is place your hand on this monolith and it will detect your natural element and display it, so, if you have the natural element of fire it will produce fire. It will also determine the level of your magic power, whether it be low tier, mid-tier, high tier, or top tier"

Immediately after Vincent finish speaking the first student in line step forward and placed his hand on the monolith.


Hello my lovely reads, just here to say that I changed 'Taurus Magic Academy' to 'Taurus School of Magic'


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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