Chapter 1

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I hear loud cheering surrounding me, and I prepare my baseball mitt for a baseball coming straight at me. I look over to my left and see some guy diving right in my general direction like a jumpscare, and I instinctively cover my face with my hands and my mitt in front. At that moment I feel hands go under my arms and lift me and I slowly remove my arms from blocking my face, I look down and see my dad set me on his shoulders, and I giggle a little because I'm 15. He looks back up at me and then looks back forward, and out of nowhere, he yells, "NICHOLE LOOK OUT!" With fear in his voice, confused, I glance up and notice the ball about to hit me square in the face, so I quickly make an 'X' shape covering my face.

Without, realizing I had put the hand without the mitt in front of the glove instead of behind it. Then I hear a loud SLAP followed by a CRACK, and then I hesitantly remove my hands from my face, I peek with one eye a little scared. I notice everyone is just staring at me instead of the game, confused. I start looking at myself. During the self-examination, I feel my dad setting me down. He looks as pale as if he saw a ghost, I go and reach out to ask him what happened while reaching out. I notice I have been holding something this whole time --the ball-- I notice him start to glance up at the jumbotron in the center of the field that is centered on me. I just stare at it for a couple of seconds, then I glance at my dad then my hand. I feel my knees give out and I just fall onto them and then set the ball down in front of me, I tuck my hands into my chest and curl up while on my knees still. I reach out with the mitt and pick up the ball, I look up at my dad and raise my hand and say with tears in my eyes, "caught it."

I start to hear some commotion behind me, and I turn while taking the mitt off and setting it down while going to grab my hand in pain. I notice a bunch of people in white asking people to move out of the way. It was more of telling them to get out of the way rather than asking, my dad picks me up and gets me standing and he reaches down and grabs the glove with the ball in it. Once the group of people gets over to me, they tell me to follow them, and I start following them, my dad following close behind. It wasn't until that moment that I noticed that there was a giant red plus on the backs of their shirts, and I realized that they were EMTs getting me to the hospital. Once we all get to the steps in between the stairs in the stadium, they take my hand then start looking at it. I see one of them signal another, and then they escort me out of the stadium. The whole time I was getting escorted out of the stadium, I was complaining to my dad saying I was alright, and I want to stay for the game.

I ended up arriving at the emergency room. The doctors sent me to get an x-ray, they ask me like every teenage girl and woman if I am pregnant I say no of course because I'm still a virgin then they lay me down on this mat below this giant machine and tell me it's safe and there is nothing to worry about with the device. Then I notice my dad and the doctor going behind a room with windows and metal doors, and I get a little worried. A few seconds later, they come back out, and the doctor tells me it's broken in seven different places. They get me back into a room and give me painkillers so that it wouldn't hurt nearly as much when they are putting the cast on. I ended up with that cast on for around 2-3 months, but that was all during the summer.

Now in the present, I'm lying on my bed texting on my phone, and I get a ping. It's from my mom. It says, "Are you ready for school yet we are leaving in 5-10 minutes? You don't want to be late on your first day."

I replied, panicking, "Almost ready!" which was a blatant lie, but I quickly hopped out of bed and started throwing some notebooks, pencils, binders, and a planner into my backpack, which were still in the packaging from when my mom had bought it. After I think that I'm done getting ready, I look at my mirror in the corner of my room and realize I am still wearing only my bralette and sweatpants from when I was sleeping. I started digging through my closet, trying to find something decent to wear for the first day of school. I forgot to do my laundry so I can't find anything. I see an old dress that looks cute and grab some underwear and quickly put it on along with a bra, and I promptly put the dress on. It's a dress that's covered with flowers, mainly pink, purple, magenta, and blue. I zip it up and quickly grab my bag and run downstairs, and about halfway downstairs, I step on one of my little brother's toy cars that had been left on the stairs and start sliding down the stairs and fall on my butt at the bottom of the steps. My mom comes rushing over and quickly says to me, "What happened? Are you okay?" asking a little panicked.

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