Chapter 2

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I start to blow dry my hair and realize how puffy my hair is getting, so I stop and start brushing my hair down with a little curl by spinning the brush a little, I grab the lipstick and quickly start applying it. I mess up and get a little bit of lipstick on my face, so I take a makeup wipe and rub it off and reapply it a little slower this time.

I pack up my makeup and grab a little side bag, I throw my lipstick in the bag along with my wallet, phone charger, and some lip balm. Right after I throw my lip balm in and zip the bag up I hear the doorbell ring, I check my phone. It's 5:55 pm, and Will's a little early. I quickly grab some black heels and put them on. They are the kind that is an open toe and strap around the ankle. I yell down to my mom, "Can you get the door?" I say while struggling to get one of my shoes on.

"Yeah, I can," my mom shouts back. I hear the door open, and my mom says, "Hey, you must be William."

"That's me, is Nichole ready?" he asks while looking inside a little.

"Almost, would you like to come inside? I can get you a glass of water," my mom says when they start coming inside before Will gets the chance to sit down I start walking downstairs.

"Hey Will, you're a little early," I say, acting like I have been home for a while.

"Yeah, sorry," he says with a kind of a little nervous laugh, he's wearing a button-up shirt and jeans I notice that his hair is still wet from a shower.

"Anyways, we should get going, Mom," I say while grabbing Will's arm and pulling him out the door.

"So would you like to hop into my car?" Will asks me while gesturing toward a car parked in front of the walkway.

"You have a car!" I say with my mouth wide open like I'm trying to catch bugs with it. "Wait, how old are you?" I ask because I never asked.

"I'm 16 I turn 17 soon," he chuckles.

"I'm only 15. I turn 16 next month, though," I say awkwardly, "anyways let's get in the car, wait a minute is that a 1967 Chevy Camaro Convertible!" I gushed, looking at the car.

"Yep now let's get going," he says while we walk over to the car I go to reach for the handle and he reaches in front of me and opens the car door for me.

I say amused, "well thank you," I step into the car and sit down, and he closes the door.

Will walks around the car and opens the door, sits down, and slams the door shut. He grabs his keys and puts them in the ignition and starts the car. "So how are you?" he asks.

"Oh, I'm good, how are you?" I reply.

"I'm great. I got some new baseball teammates." He chirps.

"That's good, where are we going to eat?" I turn and look at him, focusing on the shimmer in his blue eyes becoming almost entranced.

"Green Leaf," he says, smirking.

"Wait, isn't that the expensive Mexican place that only rich people go to?" I wonder why he is taking me there out of all the places.

"Yup, that's the place," he laughs.

"Why would you take me there, isn't it a little too.... expensive?" I ask while thinking, why am I trying to get out of going there.

"You seem special I guess I want you to enjoy this date," he says while he slowly stops at a red light.

"Oh, haha," I'm flattered and blush when he says that.

"So you into any sports?" he asks me in a tone fully invested in this question.

"Yeah, actually, I like baseball," I say it too quickly for my brain to process what I just did which could get me kicked off the team.

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