Chapter 3

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Next Tuesday, after school, I go into the school bathroom and dress up in my baseball uniform. I stuff my hair in my cap and start running outside. I meet up with Will before we go outside so we can walk out together to the field. "Hey, Will," I say to him excitedly for our first meetup.

"Hey Nicho- I mean Nick," he says, correcting himself.

I laugh while we walk out of the back doors of the school, I look at the field and see that around 15 other baseball players are standing on the ground waiting for the meet to start. I raise my hand and wave to some of the others. Players a few of them wave back. We arrive at the field, and Will starts saying, "Alrighty, everyone who's excited for practice today?" He asks.

A few of the kids' cheer in response, completely spacing. I go running out to the batting line, but before I start running, I pat Will on the back and kiss him on the cheek. I notice a few of the guys just staring at me, I slow my run and quickly think up something and say, "What? Don't you guys do that? Where I'm from, they kiss each other on the cheeks for luck," I turn and just stare at Will, and I just shrug a little at him.

"We don't do that here," Will tells me awkwardly. "Hey, you guys start doing some warmups. I need to talk to Nick," he says to the team.

One of the guys says, "OOOO, you're in trouble," in sort of a mocking tone.

I turn back and stick my tongue out at them in response, like a five-year-old. I look over at Will after and he is staring at me and shaking his head slightly, I give him the "what" look. We walk behind the bleachers, and Will looks around first.

"What was that about?" Will asks me.

"I didn't mean to be in front of everyone, I just kind of did it accidentally," I say, a little embarrassed.

He sighs and kisses the top of my head, and we start walking back out to the field. I notice that some of the guys are whispering to each other and looking at me with a look that says, "did that happen?"

"What?" I ask everyone, and they all stop whispering and just all looking away. I roll my eyes and start doing stretches.

"Ok, everyone, we are going to test our speed running to bases. You will be hitting a ball from the pitching machine like when you were trying out for the team but after you hit the ball which has to follow the same rules has to be in bounds, but you'll only get 15 seconds to run because we won't have any left, right, or center fields. Along with a shortstop, now go line up in any order," Will shouts, getting everyone's attention.

Everyone lines up, and I'm close-ish to the front, I notice a few guys that keep glancing at me and whispering, and I hear one of them say a little too loud, "I swear Danial saw Will kiss him on the head!" they say with that tone where you are trying to convince someone of something. I felt myself turn ghost white.

I whisper to myself, "Crap." Before I realize that I'm going up to bat, I grab a bat and walk up to the batting box while dragging the bat on the ground. I hold the bat up in the air and get prepared to swing it. I look at the ball that's about to be put through the pitching machine, but I start feeling a little light-headed I'm guessing because of either shock or fear, maybe a mix of both.

I notice that the ball is shot and I go to swing but my arms don't move, I hear Will's voice saying, "Nick? Are you okay?" I can see him start walking up to me but my eyesight starts getting doubled vision. I feel my hand drop the bat but I don't have any control anymore.

I reached my arms out in Will's direction and went to say I don't feel so good, but it came out slurred and I ended up saying, "I don't good," then I blacked out. I woke up in the back seat of Will's car, I'm a little disoriented my vision is still fuzzy, my eyesight focuses a little more when I notice that I have an icepack on my forehead, and I sit up and see on one of my knees I have an elastic bandage wrapped around the knee. I lean forward and ask Will, "Ugh, what happened," I say while rubbing my head.

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