Chapter 5

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The next morning I wake up in bed spooning with Will cuddling naked under the blanket, I whisper, "Good morning baby." I say rubbing my hand on his chest.

"Hey," Will says while rubbing his eyes then looking over his shoulder at me.

"How are you?" I ask in a cute voice.

"I'm good, what about you baby," Will says to me while turning back over and looking at me.

"I'm good too," I say and smile at him. "We better get up and get ready. Remember we have some weekend practice," I say while looking at him while pulling the blanket off of him, wrapping myself with it.

"Hey, I'm naked too! Will says in a slightly mocking annoyed tone.

"Oh you're fine," I say, mocking him while grabbing my bag.

"Yeah you're right," Will says while grabbing his.

"I'm gonna get clothes on," I say while walking into the bathroom and closing the door behind me.

I set my bag down and pull out a shirt and shorts. I quickly pulled the shirt over my head, followed by pulling up my underwear and shorts. I notice how messy my hair is and grab my hairbrush and brush it out, I open the door and notice Will just laying in bed with pants on, "what are you doing? Get up and get ready for practice, we're gonna be late!" I yell at him in a mocking tone.

"All right, all right," Will says while putting a shirt on.

"Ok let's head inside," I say while grabbing his arm and yanking him out of the bed.

"Okayyy," Will says with a lazy tone.

We started walking inside which at this point I remembered that the house is full of my teammates who will probably be asking a ton of questions. We just keep walking and go inside and the first thing I notice is that all the guys are surrounding each other and staring at a phone, "What are you guys watching?" I ask curiously.

"Oh it's just this "tape" that is being sent around," one of the guys responds.

I lean over and notice two people in a pool with their faces blurred, I quickly realize that it is a sex tape and snatch their phone.

"Hey! Give that back," the guy shouts.

"Wait!" I say while pushing him.

I realized that this tape isn't just a sex tape but it is me and Will in the video. It's near impossible for someone to figure it out but it still worries me. I throw the phone back at the guy and grab will by the arm and pull him out front.

"We have a serious problem," I say in a serious tone.

"What's wrong?" Will says a little panicked.

"Yeah, that video? It's us in it," I say to Will shouting a bit.

"Wait, what?!" Will says panicking.

"UGH how can we be so dumb," I say while sitting on the front step.

"We can't do anything now though so we just gotta hope no one finds out ok? Grab your bag and let's go to school." Will says, trying to calm me down.

"I can't go to school! What if they know? Huh?" I say worrying.

"Ok how about this we both ditch school ok? Will says while sitting down next to me.

"That would be nice," I say while looking at him.

It's been around ten days since the sleepover, so far no one knows it's me and Will in the video, but some people are starting to suspect it is because they caught a bit of the house in the video. I am six days late for my period and I am starting to get worried. After school, I go over to the football field and see Will. "Hey Will!" I said waving to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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