Chapter 2

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                                                                                       December 2 2011, Hotel The Wanted

                                       Last night was very interesting  very interesting indeed. When I left the area I was at with Tom  we had a very personal/awkward conversation.

 " So I have to ask why did your mum kick you out?" He curiously question me.

 " It's a long and stupid story." I giggled trying to not talk about it. I just wanted to forget it and forget her. I know she’s my mother but what she did was just not right kicking me out and I had nowhere to go.

" Well it's going to take about 45 minutes to get to the house so you have plenty of time to tell me. " he sarcastically said. I tried my hardest to explain to him what happen; I didn't want to sound like a big child. I'm 18 year old and was trying to finish school then start collage in January. I wanted to take a couple of months off school to get ready for collage.

“So she kicked you out because you failed an  algebra test ?" he asked really confused.

"Yup pretty much. "I sigh I was beginning to get really sleepy.

" Well I'm so sorry that happen. Where is your dad in this? Did he agree to kick you out?"  He asked yawning. I felt like I was being interrogated by him with all these questions. 

 " My parents divorced when I was 10 and I don’t think he knows yet. My phone is dead and I need a place to charge it so I can call him." I yawned.  I laid my head on the window of the car drifting off to sleep.  Then he drove over a bump and I hit my head on top of the car. "ow!" I whinnied rubbing my head.  "Haha sorry" Tom apologized.

"We're here!" Tom cheered! It was about ten at night and I was tired very tired.

" yay!" I sigh getting out of the car.

 " Tom!!" all the boys came running out shouting  & hugging him.  I stood there in complete surprise I just seen all The Wanted boys. ALL THE WANTED BOYS NOT JUST ONE ALL!!!  I tried not to squeal like a fan girl but it was really hard not to.

" Who's this pretty young lady?" Max asked walking up to me with a flirty look.

" This is??? I can't believe I didn't ask what your name was." Tom laughed.

          " My name is Leah Amanda. " I blushed smiling.   " I must ask what are you doing with Tom?" Nathan question me. I was about done with all these questions!    

 " I found her outside in the freezing cold all alone. I couldn't leave her out there mate. " Tom replied a little pissed. Nathan asked me that in a little bit of a rude tone.

 I felt like I was going to be a bother to them the way Nathan acted.

"okay. Let me show you around." Nathan smile taking my hand.  We walked to the door, "Welcome to our home." Nathan welcome me, he open the door and I was amazed. This is one big house with a lot of cool stuff!   The living room was breath taking! The hard wood floors and white painted walls were awesome! The living room was big though with a really big white couch and with grey lounge chairs.  I love the little fireplace that was in it too! The kitchen was big and also neat how it was done.  I loved the silver appliances a long with the white short table. The big wooden thingy ( don't know the name of) looked epic!   I know that it might have seem silly I was excited  about the kitchen and living room but people like me don't see this kinda stuff.  It was just  cool!

" let me show you to your bedroom for the night ."  Nathan said taking the lead into the hallway

                        He opens the door to the room I'll be staying in for a few days and it was so cool. The bedroom had white walls ( the house walls are white)  and I love the bed.   The bed was a very small twin bed but it had a dark wooden frame it reminded me of my bed back home in Virginia gosh I miss Virginia.

“Wow! “ I gasped looking around the room. One thing I did really like is the very cool pink abstract type painting.    

“ Well it is very late and us boys have to be in the studio by 6am. I hope you enjoy your stay at hotel The Wanted and good night.” Nathan smiled walking out shutting the door behind him. 

                I sat on the bed and looked around the room. Am I dreaming? This just isn’t real I can’t be staying at the house with The Wanted. One of the biggest boy bands in England that I love to death and I’m staying in their house. All my friends back home won’t believe this not one bit.

                     I plugged in my computer to charge my phone to see how many messages my mom or dad sent me. I turn my phone on and seen 100 messages from my dad and 0 from my mom.  I’ve been gone for 16 hours and my mother has not called me to see if I was okay?  I laid down in bed with tears in my eyes and my heart was aching. I looked at the messages from my dad and the last one he sent said “ Call me when you get somewhere safe we really need to have a major talk about all of this.” I am really scared now to contact him because he’s other messages weren’t so nice. He said which hurt me even more is…” Your mom was right to kick you out because of the way you acted.”.   What did she tell him? I know I didn’t lose my temper I just told her the truth and I guess the truth hurt her.  Is it really gonna be worth it to call my dad? Right now I don’t want anyone yelling at me anymore.


Comment, Vote, like! =)  Sorry it takes me a little while to write these chapters.

Depends on work and every I'll try to update every thursdays. Sorry for any grammer errors.

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