Chapter 6 Goodbye

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December 6 2011

I was sitting in front of the hospital crying my eyes out. Nathan hates my guts I ruin their tour; I ruin everything for those boys with all the kindness they've showed me. I don't think I'm a gold digger or am I?

Max came out of the hospital

" Well Tom will live but he has a severely broken leg and a serious black and blue eye. He is awake and smiling and asking for you. " he told me. I smile in sight of relief that Tom was okay but only thing that went through my mind was hearing 'It was your fault. 'this is all my fault why did I run out of Starbucks into a middle of nowhere? I know I was very upset with my mom with all that happen and I was very upset with Ms. Linda; for letting my mom and I speak. She should have known that it wasn't going to end well no matter what she did.

" Leah this wasn't your fault. Nathan was just upset because we just got news that we can begin our biggest USA tour next week. We will be visiting over 300 cities in the USA, Nathan is sorry for what he said. " Max said. Alright if Nathan was really sorry I want him to come out and say it to my face. I have a feeling he's not its just Max saying it for him.

" Well I'm glad so glad Tom is okay but I know your lying about Nathan being sorry for what he said. I know he's not and he has every right not to be. I screwed this up for you all and I understand big time why he hates my guts. This was a big thing for you guys. This would have seriously made your names known big time in America!" I explained. Max just stared at me when I went off. He just listen to me which I was happy about. I needed someone to listen.

Max helped me up from sitting and told me " This was not your fault at all. You needed help and Tom helped you. Tom has always been helpful toward people don't blame yourself for any of this. You weren't the one who drove the truck that blinded you guys. " I smiled but didn't believe him this was my fault I just know it.

~~~~~~~~~~later on ~~~~~~~

The hospital wanted Tom to stay over night. Jay drove me back to the house to get some sleep the rest of the guys wanted to stay with Tom.

I walked into the room I was staying in and sat on the side of the bed. I put my hands over my face and cried then all of a sudden my phone started ringing. I look to see who was calling and it was my DAD. MY DAD WAS CALLING ME!

" Hey dad!" I cheered answering the phone.

" Hey girl I've been trying to get ahold of you for like ever. " He said trying to act cool. My dad tends to act like he's a 'cool' even though he's not most of the time. He's useually very weird.

" Yeah sorry I've been kinda busy lately. " I sigh.

" Is everything okay?" He asked concern.

" Actually it's not. I need to ask you something ?" I gulped trying not to break down crying.

" What do you need to ask me?" He question.

" Is there anyway you can buy me a plane ticket to Virginia? I'm ready to come home. " I answered. I think it is time I go back to America it's pretty obvious that I am not welcome here.

I'm ready to go home and work on my dads horse ridding farm until I'm ready to start collage.

" Sure when do you want to come home?" He ask excited to hear the news. I know my dad misses me like crazy. I heard him type fast on the computer while he was on the phone with me.

" Tomorrow will be lovely" I chuckled.

"Okay you'll be flying in tomorrow night so you will need to leave where ever you are now. Then when you get here we need to have a talk about what happen between you and your mom. " he told me. I was in shock when he told me that. I can fly out tonight and get there tomorrow night.

" Okay I cannot wait!" I cheered. I hung up the phone I was excited then upset.

I wrote a note to the guys to let them know what was going on. This is what I said " Hey boys I just wanted to say Thank You for all you've done. Thank you for opening your home to me and showing me the kindness you have. I will be forever in your debt right now I think it's time for me to move on and go back home to America. I love you all and will support you all no matter what.

Goodbyes aren't forever.



P. S Nathan I'm not a gold digger ;). " I had to end my letter with that. Maybe it'll piss him off since we can't never agree on if I am or not.

I packed my things up and snuck out before Jay could hear me. I called for a cab and stayed outside. I turn around and saw their beautiful house. I will miss this house and I will miss them. I am gonna miss my personal soldier. Tom always made me feel safe and he fought for me. I am gonna miss him like there no tomorrow but this is for the best.


Ooh!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see what's next. ....... Lol I know that was random. Things will get interesting!!

:-D I will be ending this story at chapter 10( my fanfic are always short.) but I will be starting a second story to this:-).

Now again thank you all for taking the time to read and vote! Thank you!! It means the world to me!!

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