Well I Waa Not Expecting That.

300 7 1

December 10 2011

The snow had finally melted outside but I couldn't get the courage to go mail the letter. I stayed in my room for half the morning until my dad made me go feed& bathe the horses. I put the letter in my right cowboy boot and walked outside, why is it hard for me to mail out one letter!

I walked into the barn and was greeted by our blue merle australian shepherd Bloo. Yes our dog is a blue Merle and we named him Bloo; I was the one that named him Bloo. The reason why is I loved the Cartoon Network show Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends I actually still do like watching it.

I put my headphones in my ears and listen to my music the first song that came on was Glad You Came. " Seriously!" I shouted out loud. The song brought back memories of Tom and I randomly singing it out loud in the car. Ah those were the days even though that happen five days ago. That was actually the first time in a year I laughed that hard and actually enjoyed myself. I hated moving to London, it's a beautiful city don't get me wrong and i did enjoy it but I'm a farm girl who loved Virginia. I think missing my dad was the top reason why I didn't like it in England.

I went to take Dan Mr. Luke's horse to get a bath out back behind the barn because he is the roughest horse to give baths to. When I got Dan back behind the barn Bloo started barking. Bloo I forgot to mention likes to act like a big ole bad guard dog even though he's the sweetest dog you'll ever meet.

"Bloo hush up!" I yelled I know when a dog is barking and you want them to be quiet you useually shouldn't yell but I was a bit moody this morning. Bloo just kept barking and barking. Now I couldn't leave Dan alone outside to wait for me to see who Bloo was barking at.

* Whistle* " Bloo here now!" I demanded. He didn't show up and he useually shows when I call him.

"Ugh dang it!" I huffed dragging Dan back into the barn. I'll just give him a bath later. When I open the stall door I saw Bloo standing by one of the empty horse stall. I didn't have my glasses on because I hate getting then wet and when I give Dan baths he always breaks them ,like I said Dan not the easiest horse to bathe. I can see but not far away that's why I need glasses. The only thing I saw was a tall person with black hair and holding what look like crutch to me.

" Give me a second and I'll show you too my dads office." I said putting Dan back into he's stall and getting my glasses on. I thought this person was wanting to broad he's horse.

" Take your time. " a famous Bolton accent person told me. I gasped. I turn around and saw Tom. Tom was standing by the other side of the barn smiling from ear to ear.

I stood there frozen like a ice cream bar, how did he find out where I live? " What the? " I gasped.

" We need too talk. " He said with a serious look on he's face.

" I know. " I sigh. It was time for everything to be laid out on the table.

" Leah look at me I'm not mad about what had a happen. If I was in your position I probably would have done the same thing but you needed to stay. If you told me what Nathan had said I would have told him to piss off. It's none of he's business to butt into my personal life. What he said to you was wrong , you aren't a gold digger. He explained.

" Tom if it wasn't for me you wouldn't be hoping like a jack rabbit right now. This was all my fault and I know I'm

not a gold digger. I wasn't looking for money when I agreed to stay with you guys. I hurt you when I left without saying goodbye and I'm so sorry Tom I am. I haven't forgave myself for what I did, I could have handle this whole thing better then what I did. " I explained trying not to cry.

" I don't care if I hop like a jack rabbit right now none of this was your fault. I am not mad how many times do I have to tell you? I-" he paused before he's phone rang What did he want to say? He pulled he's phone out and touch he's screen on the iPhone then put it back into he's pocket.

" I don't know Tom I takes things to heart okay. " I shouted.

" Leah... When you left I was heart broken I haven't been this heart broken in forever. The guys can tell you I've been depressed so depressed that I wanted to end everything. Leah I... Love you." He exclaim. What did he just say? He loves me? NOW WHAT?!

" You're just saying that , There no way you could love a poor loser like me. " I cried saying.

" You wanna bet?" He question, he walked up to me and kissed me on the lips with passion. Now I was not expecting that!

" Wow!" I gasped as we back away from each other.

"Now do you believe me that I do love you?" He ask looking into my dark green eyes.

" Yes now I do." I smiled looking into he's hazel eyes. He came close too me again he picked me up and we kissed. I felt like I was on the clouds in the sky, I was on cloud nine for sure.

After all that I took Tom into my dads house too meet him. They hit it off completely off and all the staff here loved him as well. I think I got my self a little boy friend What do you think?

Tom is going too stay here with me for a few days before he returns to England. We both agreed in the summer after collage ends I'll be flying to England to stay for a week or so. My dad is short handed so I cannot stay for too long. I really can't wait too see the boys again and plus Nathan.

Later on in the day I grabbed the letter out of my boot, made a fire and burned it. Tom didn't need to see that silly letter I should have just talked too him in person. I need a new dairy so I'll be putting this one up in my old diary collection. Until next time! I'll be getting a new dairy soon.


The end! :-D ok I know this chapter was probably cheesy sorry xD. Again thank you so much for taking the time to read my story! I never thought I would have almost 700 readers! I can't believe this thank you :).

Sorry for all the grammar and spelling errors :-).

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2013 ⏰

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