The Curser

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Amity Blight. Her life was... complicated, so to speak, on the Boiling Isles. Her parents forced her to dye her hair a light blue green, forced her to make friends with people she didn't like, and was just all around treated like a lump of clay to be manipulated. Her life was depressing and miserable but that all changed when a human showed up.

Luz Noceda. This human was an anomaly to everyone in the Boiling Isles and Bones Borough, not just Amity. She was different, having round ears, not being able to do magic the normal way and caused lots of unintentional trouble.

She was a whack job. Despite this and her first meeting with Amity going awry, along with other meetings, Amity grew fond of the Human, Luz. Despite the trouble that follows Luz, Amity started to feel an attraction towards this human. For the longest while Amity had no actual friends to call her own but with Luz her life quickly changed.

She had a friend, became happy again, could gush over her liking of Azura books, even making two more friends in the process, Gus & Willow. Amity was now, for what felt like the longest time, was happy again and became a better person. Things were so much better. But not everyone liked the change of Amity Blight.

The Star Captain of the Grudgby team for the Hexside Banshees, Boscha. This three eyed, pink skinned, magenta hair, sports player is a controlling bully. She loves having control over people, things being her way, and people worshipping her. She pretty much had a god complex.

Because of Luz, Amity was able to rebel against Boscha and leave her and her group for a new proper friendship with Willow, Gus, and especially Luz. Because of this "betrayal" slowly but surely other students turned away from Boscha. Boscha was losing her grip on the students of Hexside.

Boscha was petty and fed up with this change of events. Boscha wanted revenge, not caring if this future act would fix things or not, she just wanted to hurt Amity. She thought of the worst thing that she could possibly do. Curse Amity. Little did she know that this decision would have drastic effects on everyone.

The night before one of the days of school, Boscha in robes goes in secret to the Night Market. If any place were to sell curses this would be it. Boscha wondered around a bit searching for a stand that would have curses. She mostly found stands that sold illegal potions, weird taxidermy of palismans, and other weird stuff.

Eventually, Boscha come across a stand with a huge horned skull atop its roof. The stand appeared empty but had random do-dads in the back. Boscha checked to see if anyone was there.

"Hello? Any Night Market merchants in there? I'm looking to buy." She then heard a rumble sound and a little creature jumped up onto the stand. It looked like a small pig that stood on its back legs, had pointed ears, and a demon's tail. It also wore glasses and a purple vest.

"Hello there potential buyer! I am Tibblet-Tibblie Grimm Hammer the Third! You can call me Tibbles." He seemed strange but Boscha didn't think much of it. "Okay... Tibbles. I'm gonna make this simple and quick cause I rather not be here. I need a curse, a bad one." Boscha said. "A customer who's straight to the point. Intriguing." Tibbles spoke. "How bad are we talking?"

Boscha replied. "We're talking a type of curse that will hurt. A type of curse that will put someone in their place for good. A type of curse that would RUIN them! Atleast something that has that effect."

"Hmmm..." Tibbles thought. "I might have something of that nature in stock. Let me check." "Just hurry it up. I want to leave before someone tries to offer me a liver with eyes attached."

Tibbles lurched around searching for a curse fitting Boscha's needs. Eventually he found one and brought it to her. "Here. A curse worthy of the name." "What name would that be?" "A curse." "Okay..." Boscha said with an eye roll.

She looked upon the rolled-up paper, which was the curse. Holding the rolled-up paper together was a wax seal with a teethy monster on it. Boscha was about to remove it when Tibbles stopped her. "Do not do that young tri-clops. The curse can only be used right after opening it. If the curse isn't used within the next few moments it will lose its power."

Boscha hated she couldn't read what exactly it does but as long as it worked, she didn't much mind. Boscha paid for the curse, a hefty fine it was, and left straight away to Amity's house, Blight Manor. She wanted to get this night over with.

Boscha arrived at Blight Manor in easy time with how many times she has been there. She chose to go through Amity's window. Before going in she cast a sneak spell she learned from an illusion track member. She opened the window and snuck in. Amity was asleep amongst her bed, head resting on the pillow, dyed hair laid about.

Boscha smiled as she opened up the curse. The paper glowed faintly and Boscha read the words that put the curse upon Amity. After finishing her business, Boscha left to go home and sleep. Tomorrow, Amity would feel the effects of the curse and havoc would be caused. 

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