An Attempt By The Heads

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In response to the building sized Abomination, the Emperor was informed. The ordinary "soldiers" weren't making any progress so Emperor Belos had his top subjects handle the problem. The Coven Heads. Each coven head was in charge of the people who joined one of the several main covens with themselves as the best member.

The Covens were Potion, Abomination, Plant, Healing, Construction, Beast Keeping, Illusion, Bard and Oracle. They were all loyal to the emperor and served without question. They were assigned with dealing with the Abomination monster.

The monster was still in town destroying everything around, whether by stomping or swinging its own tail. Destruction was everywhere. The nine Covens flew towards the monster of griffons given by the Beast Keeping Coven.

The Coven Heads had a plan to deal with the monster. The Abomination Head would try to command the monster first, if it takes commands at all. If that didn't work then Beast, Bard, Oracle, & Illusion would distract the beast while Plant trips it and covers it in vines. While that happens, Healing will be evacuating civilians. and then Potion will apply a solidifying potion brew to turn the monster to solid stone and then Construction will build a stone dome around the monster, trapping it.

The monster will then be discussed about on how to deal with it after. The plan was simple and easy to commence.

Potion & Construction veered away, Potion was making the brew and Construction was waiting for when they were needed. Healing went to assist civilians caught in the destruction. The other Covens followed behind Abomination, commencing the first plan.

The Abomination monster saw them flying towards it. It looked straight towards them, knowing their intent to stop it, and roared loudly. The roar was so loud it shook the air and caused turbulence for the griffons. It then slammed its tail on the ground and swept rubble of buildings into the air at the Coven Heads.

Huge chunks of debris flew at the Coven Heads, which they were able to dodge. The Abomination Head flew close to the Abomination monster's face. The monster tried biting at the Coven Head in front of it.

The Abomination Head cleared his throat and spoke, loudly. "Abomination, cease!" The monster responded with an angry roar. Hurts the ears at such close range. The Abomination Head kept commanding. "Abomination, stand still!" The monster tried snatching the Abomination Head out of the air with its mouth.

The Abomination Head kept backing away, not wanting to be eaten. The Abomination Head tried once more, but with magic. He casted a large casting circle and launched it towards the monster. "Abomination, stop!"

The monster stood still, staring at the Coven Head. It appeared to have worked. "Well," he said. "That's good." With his guard now down, the monster bit at him once more and ate him whole.

The Coven Heads nearby gasped. The monster didn't chew, just swallowed. The remaining Coven Heads took hold of themselves and decided to go with plan B.

Beast Head & Oracle Head attacked. The Beast Head flew around the monster, having their own griffons claw and peck at the monster. Oracle Head summoned dead spirits to do the same. They both kept the monster attacking them.

Bard Head played a magical tune on their violin to disorient the monster, piercing its earholes. The Illusion Head helped keep up the disorientation with illusions of confusing images and flashing lights of bright color.

The monster was in a panic, swiping at the air trying to hit anyone. It couldn't. Its visual and audio senses were being shot. The only thing it could do was scream and scream it did.

The Abomination monster took a breath and roared the loudest it could. This roar could be heard from all across the Isles. Those at close range of this roar urgently covered their ears. The Bard Head and the Illusion Head were forced to stop attacking. Their mounts were frightened and flew away.

The Beast Head and Oracle Head were able to keep their mounts tamed and remained. With the Bard and Illusion Heads gone the monster was able to focus on the annoyance of Beast Head and Oracle Head. The two heads got wise to that quickly and joined together to fly away with the monster following them.

This was not as it seemed though. It wasn't them running away, it was a strategic retreat. The monster ran at them wanting to smash them. The monster then fell forward onto its belly. It had tripped on large vines made by the Plant Head. Once the monster tripped the Plant Head made more vines to wrap around the monster and keep it down. All according to plan.

Large vines with spikes protruding from them covered the monster and kept it down. The monster struggled but even its short but large snout was held down. The Potion Head was done with their brew, a low-grade petrification potion. Its low grade because the Coven Heads want to examine the creature for later and because true petrification can only be done by the Emperor's Coven.

There were two large cauldrons full of the brew. The Bard Head and Illusion Head came over and their griffons picked up the two cauldrons. With the monster held down the two heads were able to pour the two brews onto the monster. Upon contact the monster made of purple goo was turned into a monster made of gray stone.

From snout to tail's end the monster went stiff, immobile. Once it went to stone the Construction Head commenced the final part of the plan. With the assist of an acceleration potion and a power glyph the Construction Head used the surrounding debris as materials to build a large dome surrounding the Abomination Monster.

It was finally contained. Covered in vines, turned to stone, and kept inside a large stone dome. Some people were lost including the Abomination Coven Head but it was finally over. The remaining coven heads stood aside the dome, taking in what happened.

There was a high-pitched note that suddenly was heard. The tone became lower and lower. The coven heads looked to where the sound was coming from. It came from the part of the dome where the head of the monster was located behind the dome.

A large purple glow came from that spot. The glow became strong and out of the dome came a large purple beam that broke through the wall of the dome. The beam went straight, cratering the ground. It kept firing and started to move up the dome.

The beam then dissipated, in its place was a large gash on the dome. Within the gash the Abomination monster could be seen. Its head had broken free of the petrification potion. It roared with anger.

It curled its head, the front of its snout pointing to the ground. The neon pink glow from its eyes became bright and spread across the monster's head. It became engulfed with light. The glow started spreading across the rest of the body. The full neon glow could be partly seen through the petrification stone on the body, the head like a light house light.

The light grew stronger and stronger, peering through the petrification. The Coven Heads rushed over to the dome's gash to see the commotion. When they arrived, the monster was entirely lit up. The glow then came out as a large neon pink shockwave.

The shockwave was powerful, blowing off the petrification stone, destroying the vines, blasting away the dome, and throwing back the Coven Heads. The monster was freed from its constraints. The shockwave had taken out the Coven Heads. They were out of commission.

With the monster free it roared to the sky in dominance. Far off in the distance was Luz riding Owlbert and Lilith with her riding her palisman. Luz saw the shockwave. She became much more worried with how powerful the monster was. Luz & Lilith hurried along to check on Amity, wanting to know if she was okay. 

Amity Abomination (The Owl House AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant