Chapter 4

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I must be imagining this...right? I mean how would anyone except me to sit next to him for so many hours without going completely insane?

"Well this has been fun, but I have to go find my seat... so yeah. Have fun you two!" Avery exclaimed with a wide grin on her face, giving us a wink.

"What? Avery!" I turned to look at her, but she was already making her way down the seats.

"No way am I sitting next to you for almost eight hours." Liam shook his head trying to stand up, while I scoffed in response.

"Where is the teacher when you need her." I turned to look at the entrance, and thankfully at that moment Mrs. Smith was entering the plane.

"Mrs. Smith!" Liam called out and our teachers head turned in our direction.

She quickly made her way over to us, her chestnut colored hair in a fishtail braid. Once Mrs. Smith reached us she looked back and forth between Liam and me.

"What seems to be the problem?" Mrs. Smith tilted her head to the side, obviously not understanding the dilemma of this whole situation.

"The thing is we can't sit next to each other." I put a strand of my chocolate brown hair behind my ear.

"What do you mean Olivia?" She asked and then looked over at Liam who had now successfully managed to stand up without hitting his head on the ceiling.

"We can't sit together because-" I started to explain but was interrupted by the voice of the boy beside me.

"It's not gonna end well. One of us might poison the other or simply kill them." Liam shrugged, and I hit his shoulder.

"You can't say those words on a plane! We might get kicked off! You can be such an irresponsible person!" I told him, shaking my head at the ignorance of the one and only Liam King.

"Seriously? God why are you so impossible? They are not going to kick us off!" Liam threw his hands up in the air.

"That's enough you two!" Mrs. Smith spoke up, the sharpness in her voice caused Liam and me to turn to her again. "Both of you are going to sit together-" She put up a hand silencing whatever it was that Liam was going to say. "I don't want to hear it Mr. King. Work out whatever issue you seem to have with one another, because this is going to be a long flight and a long trip if you don't."

With that she simply walked away, going to find her own seat.

She walked away.

Mrs. Smith just walked away.

"What...just happened?" I asked Liam, and he shook his head.

"No idea. But here, let me get out and help you with putting your suitcase in the compartment." He signaled for me to move aside, and I did, handing my suitcase to him.

Liam opened the compartment that was above our seats and using his two arms, grabbed the suitcase and put it into the little space in which it barley fit, closing it afterwards.

"After you." He smirked at the fact that I had been staring at the way he had done all of that.

"Thanks." I took a deep breath, and then moved to sit down in the seat beside the window.

Once I was seated, Liam dropped himself onto the seat beside me. "This is going to be a long flight." I said with a sigh, as I turned to look out the window at the runway that laid before the plane.

"Sure is." Liam peacefully said, causing me to raise an eyebrow and turn to look at him. But he had his eyes closed, not uttering a word. His dark hair was still short but it had grown a little, Liam's jaw line looked somehow sharper from up close... interesting.

But still the same bad boy asshole as always.

"You're staring." He said as his lips curved up into a little smile, which looked really close to being a smirk, but his eyes where still closed.

"Fuck you." I sank back into my seat, looking out the window while crossing my arms over my chest.

"Hate you too Olivia." He was full on smirking now. "But I knew you wanted me since the beginning."

"Liam!" I scolded him as I shook my head, disgusted at his words.

"That was your fault, you walked right into that one." He chuckled.

Liam King was right, I really had walked right into that one.

This was going to be a long flight.


We where barley three hours into the flight, and I was seriously considering of throwing Liam off the plane. He had connected his earbuds with his phone and started to listen to music, but not only did he listen to it. Liam was singing it in a whisper, that way the only person who could listen to him was me.

"Patience Olivia." I told myself, as he went into another chorus.

"Huh? Did you say something, irritating human being?" Liam took one earbud out of his ear giving me a mocking look.

"No of course not demon Liam." I gave him a sweet smile, which I almost immediately dropped.

We stayed in silence for a few seconds.

"Can I ask you something?" Liam asked, interrupting the silence.

"You're gonna ask me anyway, so go ahead." I leaned my head on the headrest of my seat.

I was met with silence, so I turned my head to look at Liam who seemed to be debating something.

But when his green eyes met mine, he opened his mouth but then closed it.

"You know what? It's not important at all."

I shrugged. "Fine by me."

"So Avery and Sebastian seem to be getting along." Liam said with a scoff after he had looked down the aisle. I stood a little bit up following his line of sight.

"They're laughing... like really laughing." I couldn't believe it. I thought Avery didn't like Sebastian at all.

As I sat back down in my seat, I saw Liam scowl.

"If they become friends, then we would have to hang out with each other in Paris." Liam said, looking at me with wide eyes.

"Just because they are laughing, doesn't mean they'll automatically become friends." I told him as I grabbed a hair tie from my backpack from under my seat, using it to tie my hair into a low ponytail.

"Want to bet on it?" He questioned with an amused grin on his face.

"On the possibility of their friendship?" I looked at him for confirmation.

"Exactly." Liam nodded, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "What do you think of ten bucks?"

I couldn't believe he was willing to bet on that.

"Deal." I nodded, and extended my hand for him to shake, and he did.

"Deal." He agreed, and after we shook our hands we let go.

"YOU BITCH!!" A piercing voice yelled, causing everyone, including Liam and me to look in the direction of the voice.

Scarlett McGuire had been the one that yelled, and she was heading in our direction.

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