Chapter 2 - For old times' sake

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June 12th 1995


Trust me, I reacted the same way when I saw Sirius.

He appeared at Hogwarts because he'd followed Peter there. Apparently, Peter has been hiding with the Weasley family in his animagus form. They all believed him to be Scabbers the rat.

Peter's alive, Y/n. I saw him with my own two eyes. Peter sold out James and Lily, so Sirius is innocent.

If you want to hear the whole story, I would love to come by and tell you about it.

It has been some time since we last saw each other anyways.

You have nothing to worry about.

- Remus

Ps. I think it's best if Sirius stays at Grimmauld Place for now. The death eaters know about his animagus form, and Grimmauld Place is the only place he's safe.

You were sitting at the dining table, twirling the letter in your fingers. Remus had been surprisingly quick to reply. You'd woken up to your owl sitting on your windowsill, waiting to be let in. Since then, you'd been worried. Well, it was a mixture of worry and uncertainty. Where was Sirius now, would he be okay, was he telling the truth, should you forgive him, and was there even anything to forgive?

You felt bad for throwing him out the night before, his last words to you echoing in your head. He came to you in the hopes of getting away from the dangers of being an escaped prisoner. He came to you in the hopes that you'd understand his situation.

You sighed before walking into the kitchen. A cup of tea would do good right about now. You took the kettle, filled it with water and turned it on. Then, you heard a faint knock. It sounded like it came from the entrance upstairs. Your breath hitched as you slowly made your way up the stairs. You knew it wasn't Kreacher as he was still sleeping because you'd given him the day off. Even house-elves deserved to relax and unwind. Even house-elves with horrible manners like Kreacher.

You turned the doorknob. Maybe it was Remus, coming to talk to you about Sirius. You had already invited him to come over tomorrow, but maybe he hadn't seen that letter yet. There was also another option for who it could be. You slowly opened the door. Maybe he'd come back. Maybe it was...

"Sirius..." You let out, relieved to see him again. He looked positively exhausted, deep circles under his eyes, and a worried look on his face.

"Y/n. Please, I need you to-" He didn't get to say anything else before you fell on his neck, desperately trying to make up for what you did last night. It felt weird embracing him after all these years. He smelled like ashes, sweat and dirt, but you didn't care. The familiar feeling of his arms around you was enough for you to forget about your situation. At least for a couple of seconds. Then you sheepishly pulled back, apologizing.

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you." You began, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt. "But to be honest, I'm still not entirely sure if I do." You looked down, feeling uneasy with your confession. "Y/n..." Sirius' voice sounded raspy, almost like the bark of a dog. "It's okay. I can understand if it's too dangerous for you." He looked at a loss. It was obvious that he'd given up, as he turned to walk away. "I won't bother you again."

"However," You exclaimed, desperate for him not to leave. "I don't want you to get killed by death eaters, so I'll let you stay here. For old times' sake." You gave him a warm yet unsure look, deciding to trust what Remus had told you.

"Thank you, so much." Words couldn't describe how thankful his expression was. He looked like he could break down at any given moment. You stepped aside, letting him enter your home before closing the door.

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