Chapter 3

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Opening my eyes, I look at ceiling. Feeling something soft under me, I look and I'm laying in a bed. Sitting up, I notice a cup on the side table. Grabbing it, I smell and its human blood and I gag.

Setting it back, I stand and see I'm in a solid white kamio. Walking to the door, its unlocked and slides open. Looking in the halls, no one is around so I choose to go right and pass other rooms.

Passing one, I freeze when a voice calls out. "Demon, I know your awake. Will you join me." The voice is soft and sweet. Walking to the door, I slide it open and see a man with black, shoulder length hair. His eyes are lavender, but a curse mark is just barely touching them. "I can see you somewhat but not really good." He says.

I don't know what to do but I slide the door shut and walk over. He follows my movements as I kneel and sit by the lantern. "I'm Kagaya Ubuyashiki, master of this house and leader of the Demon Corps. Did you drink the blood." He asks.

"No, I drink and eat animal blood and flesh. I'm Chowa Wyvern." I say. "Why do you not consume human flesh." Kagaya asks me. "It makes me sick and throwing up." I said. The door slams open and I jump infront of Kagaya. A demon slayer stands there. "Sir....the demon......what are you doing here." The slayer asks.

"Calm yourself, Mokuba, she is my guest and is allowed to wonder." Kagaya says. I now "Thank you, Master Kagaya. With all respect, why am I here." I ask. "My subordinates tell me that you are half human, half demon. How and why." He asks.

"I don't know why but my father raped my mother who was human and he was a demon." I explain. "Is that why you don't consume human flesh." Mokuba asks, kneeling. "I guess. I also have two days of the year that I'm vulnerable. On the summer and winter solstice's." I explain.

"I see. Well, I'm gonna nominate you for the final selection next year. I will train you personally." Kagaya says. "I can slow the infection, I can't stop it all together but I can slow it down." I offer.

"That would be wonderful." Kagaya said and I cut my thumb. "Here, just a drop of my blood can heal. Sadly, the damage has been done." I said as Kagaya licks the blood off my finger.

The year is than spent learning the dragon breathing technique's. I pass on the first six months and than go to the final selection where I'm the top ranked finalist.

Returning to master, he congratulates me and give my clothes and sword, the sword gains a green/blue scaled pattern on it with a dragon helt. Bidding master fare well, I head to the first mission my sparrow gives me.

I start a new life but still look for my brother, master said he would give hem and father sanctuary for being my family. 'Don't worry Rui, but sister will find you. Thus I promise.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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