Brian's P.O.V. ⚠️TW SA ⚠️

Freddie and I were relaxing on the sofa watching the small telly when we heard a knock at the door.

"I'll get it love" I gave Freddie's soft kiss on the lips.

"Okay," he smiled at me softly.

So, I got off the sofa and went to open the door and when I opened it I was greeted by Amber standing right in front of me.

"Amber come in what are you doing here?" I smiled softly.

"Ivy got her heart broken and needed to talk to Deaky and Rog so, I decided to give her space and come say hello" She gave me a fake smile.

Something was wrong so I stepped to say to let her in.

"Hello, Amber darling. How are you?" Freddie repositions himself on self on the sofa.

"I'm good" she gave him that same fake smile as she gave me.

"Darling tell us what's wrong I know you're lying you can tell us anything".

That's when Amber just sobbed and said. "I went on a blind date with a guy a few weeks ago and it was awful. We went to The Royal and had a few drinks, I got plastered then he...." She sobbed again.

"I know it happened to me too" Freddie got choked up.


"I was only fourteen ".

"Oh god, I'm so sorry. How did you deal with it?".

"I hid it, no one knew. You're doing the right thing darling trust me".

"I feel like I'm not".

"You are, men like him try to use that on you, they brainwash you into thinking it's your fault and isn't darling".

"It's not and please know that Fred and I are here no matter how far away we are".

"Thank you".

"Have you seen the guy since that night?".

"Yes, he came to the compound while I was there and Avery had told me so I wouldn't have a panic attack".

"Stop it, you're joking".

"I wish I was".

"We're sorry this occurred to you, darling".

Then thought to myself. "Now I know how it feels like to have a daughter". That's when I said. "Is it alright if I hug you? You look like you could use one".

Amber nodded and I did gently...

"Thank you".

"You want to sit down love?".

"Yes please" Amber spoke softly as she walked over and sat beside Fred leaning against him.

I sat on the coffee table and said. "Is there anything we can do to help? Like, filing a police report, contacting a lawyer, or getting you any mental help?".

"I told Adam everything, he's going to put my report at the top of the list. To be honest I'm afraid to go back to London, I don't want to face the man who did this to me".

"And you shouldn't darling. That man should be locked away".

That's when Amber started to cry once more.

So I knelt and said. "Hey sweetheart it's going to be okay, I'll call our lawyer tomorrow morning and tell him what's going on. Alright? He'll get the ball rolling on this case".

"Thank you".

"You're welcome love, all of us are here for you and be right behind you throughout this whole thing".

"I honestly don't know how I'll get over this".

"Just take it one day at a time and if it helps tell Chloe that you're taking an ill leave".

"Your health comes first, it's important to take care of yourself physically and mentally dear".

"That's right".

"Thanks again you guys. I hate to be a burden, Do you mind if I crash here tonight?".

"Sure you can sweetheart" Freddie smiled as Amber wiped the tears off of her face.

As I sat there and looked at the two of them I could tell that Freddie wanted a daughter.

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