Brian's P.O.V

I opened my eyes and looked around to find myself lying on a bed in a cabin. I slowly sat up and got out of bed then made my way around the room. So I found the opportunity to pull out my tape recorder and document everything. I pressed start and said.

" Hello, my name is Brian May I'm the lead guitarist for the band Queen, the boys and I are being held hostage along with our very close-knit community it seems like I'm being held in a cabin. There's a door in the center as you enter the building a table sits in the center with a chair then behind that there's a small double which is slightly smaller than what Americans refer to as a full-size bed. Now that we got that description down move into what I think is the bathroom" I walked into the bathroom with a tape recorder in hand and then said. "Ha! I was right okay there's a toilet, sink and a shower then beside that there's a window, I'm putting a tape recorder in the shower, and to whomever finds this, please phone the police, the FBI, I don't care we need to get out of here now, I'm going to attempt to open a window" So I did just that.

Then walked towards the window and fidgeted with three of the panels until I moved down to the bottom right and pushed on the panel then opened the window crawled my way out and took off running to what seemed to be a conference hall.

Once I got to the conference hall I quietly looked in one of the windows to see bodies everywhere, when I felt a pair of hands grab and turn me around meeting the gaze of two female guards.

"You can't be here, you have to come with us" The guard on the left pointed a four-inch knife at me as the guard on the right slapped handcuffs on me.

I hung my head as I walked to a building at knifepoint where I had to change into swim trunks and get into a metal tub filled with ice water as I cried out in agony.

"Hush......Not another sound out of you this is your punishment, if you attempt to escape again things will be worse for you" The guard on the right hissed in my ear.

I was too cold to respond so I nodded. That's when Angie entered the building walked over and sat on the edge of the metal tub before saying.

"Well, well well, and you know we're not stopping till you meet our demands. Everyone that you know will suffer Neil you shut down the compound" She looked up at the two guards."Girls add more ice and keep him there for twenty minutes".

"Yes, madam." They said in unison.

"Y-Y-You t-t-twisted".

"Thank you".

And with that, the two guards added the ice then not long after that

the hypothermic began to set in. That's when my eyes began to fall shut as I heard the sound of the door opening and closing then I heard.

"Brian! No, no, no" Footsteps quickened as a voice got closer. "What did you do? Honey, you okay? Talk to me" It was Freddie.

I opened my eyes slightly as I saw his face coming into view. "Freddie".

"Hey love I'm here I'm right here. Stay with me" He tapped my face.

Then I felt him grab my hand.

"I can't feel my fingers" I slurred as I began to drift off.

"Hey don't fall asleep on me darling".

That's when I saw one of the two guards come up behind him and jabbed his arm before he turned around.

"What the hell?".

"Sorry Mr. Mercury but you must be punished. Give him five minutes ladies".

At that moment I felt my eyes start to fall shut.

All I could see and focus on was Freddie's face as he remained by my side. As I slip into unconsciousness, I can feel my grip slip from Freddie's hand.

I don't think anything occurred then all of a sudden I felt two pairs of hands grab me, and then it seemed like I was lifted up and out of the tub. I opened my eyes slightly and let out a moan. When a woman looked down at me.

"Hey Brian, you're okay mate we're going to get you warmed up soon squeeze my hand if you can hear me" She stuck out her hand.

So I did just that.

"Good, we won't be long".

That's when I finally slipped into unconsciousness as I entered a dream state.

I opened my eyes as the whistle of a kettle penetrated my ears and then.

"Brian breakfast is ready!" Freddie's voice rang out into what seemed to be our bedroom.

I got out of bed and began to walk downstairs. The living room is empty so I walked to the kitchen and open the door to see a hooded figure standing there with its back to me. It turns to face me and it resembles Freddie except for the demon's reddish eyes.


The demon thing gives a devilish grin tilting its head and looking at me. I begin to panic and start backing out of the room as the demon thing approaches me.

"Hello Brian, welcome to your hell" The demon thing stuck in a warped tone.

"No, I must be dreaming or.....dead".

The demon thing chuckled. "You're not dead you're alive although your mate is out cold" It walked closer causing me to bump into the liquor cabinet.

"How do you know this?"

"Do you know the saying ' The eyes are windows to the soul'?".

"Yes I do"

"Well, I can see everything from your perspective just like Hyde".


"I'm afraid it's not you see when you're asleep or unconscious like at this moment currently everything that you experience is an interim adjacent state and when you are conscious Hyde and I can view the world from your eyes".

"What are you?".

"I'm a paralysis demon I caused your night terrors a year ago".

Then I felt a warm sensation throughout my body.

"What's happening to me?".

"The girls are warming you up right now but as I keep talking to you, you are going to continue to experience sleep paralysis".

That's when I heard.

"Brian wake up you're alright" A voice called out to me.

"Well, then that's my cue nice chatting with you Brian".

The demon thing shoved me into the liquor time, it caused me to fall into it instead of falling into the broken glass I fell into a black void.

As I was falling I opened my eyes and sat up quickly as I felt the me while gasping for air. Then I heard.

"Hey you're alright, you're alright relax".

I turned my head to face a woman who placed her hand on my shoulder.

"What happened? All I remember entering a metal tub filled with ice water ".

"A mate and I pulled you out of the tub and brought you back here to warm you up".

I then realized that we were back in the cabin.

"What about Freddie? I have a vague memory of him being there at some point".

"After you passed out Freddie collapsed into a deep sleep, mate is with him now. But, listen I have to go and by the way my mate took your tape recorder to get evidence we're here to help you. In the meantime get some rest and stay warm my mate will check on you soon".

"What's your name?".


The woman smiled softly before leaving me alone for about twenty minutes until Casey walked into the building with a very limp Jency in his arms.


He didn't respond as he placed her in the bed beside me when I looked up and met Casey's gaze to saw his eyes were grazed over before he left us alone. But not long after that Jency moaned beside me.

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