chapter seven

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If you want me to stay please say something. A month and a half is too long. I can't do this much longer.

Love, George

George laid in bed. He quite frankly can't remember when he last got out of bed. A week? Week and a half? He wasn't sure.

His body was decaying, fast. He could tell. He felt so dramatic acting this way, but Dream was really what held him together.

He shut off his phone at this point. He turned it on to message Dream quickly, then shut it off before all of the notifications could load in.

He hadn't streamed in a while. He hadn't checked any social media's in a while, but nobody really seemed to wonder where he was at. It's like he was invisible. Everyone forgot about him.

He wasn't sure what Sapnap had been telling everyone what happened to him. Maybe he wasn't telling them anything.

George heard a faint knock from his front door. He ignored it until it got overly persistent.

He shuffled downstairs and swung it open.

"Hey George." Tyson gave a smile. George could tell he looked worried, the smile was forced.

"Hey." George forced out. His throat was hoarse from crying and his lack of water.

"Can I come in?" Tyson asked timidly.

George nodded and rubbed his eyes.

"Sorry were you sleeping?" Tyson shook off his coat.

"Just woke up." He grumbled.

"Oh." Tyson frowned.

George quickly glanced at the clock on the wall. It was 3pm.

They sat in silence and George laid on the couch. He heard Tyson sigh and walk away, leaving George by himself.

Tyson made his way into George's kitchen and looked around.

To be completely honest, George looked like shit. Which he didn't think was possible. He looked so pale and tired, probably hadn't eaten in weeks.

Tyson opened the cupboard and pulled out a bag of pasta.

He filled a small pot with water and put it on the stove to boil. Once the water bubbled he poured in the pasta and let it cook.

He peeked into the living room to see George asleep on the couch.

- flashback -

"So George, are you coming to see me soon?" Dream asked quietly.

"I'm coming whenever you want."

"Well I didn't need to know that." Dream joked.

"Well now I'm not gonna come to see you at all." George joked back.

"No I was kidding please George I love you." Dream groaned.

"Stop whining and I'll consider it." George rolled his eyes.

"I love when you boss me around." Dream whispered into his mic.

"Dream! What is wrong with you today?" George laughed.

"He's in a simping mood." Sapnap spoke up.

"Am not." Dream quickly defended.

"Oh George my love when are you coming to Florida to kiss me please!" Sapnap mocked.

George heard someone leave the call, and looked to see Dream in their private voice call room. George joined.

"You are a simp but it's okay." George sighed.

"Well yeah, anyone would love to be simped for." Dream chuckled.

They joined back into the call with Sapnap.

"I can't believe you really went into a locked voice call." Sapnap immediately said, making George and Dream laugh.

George smiled to himself.

-end of flashback-

In all honesty, Sapnap had texted Tyson and asked him to check on George. He wasn't sure how he'd gotten his number, but nonetheless he came anyways.

Tyson cared about George. He could tell he was a genuine guy going through a rough patch, and just needs a friend to help him through it.

He drained the noodles, then mixed them with butter, salt, and pepper. He wasn't sure how long it had been since George's last proper meal, and he didn't want to make him sick.

"George wake up." Tyson tapped his arm, setting the bowl on the table in front of him. "Made some food."

Tyson sat with his own bowl, beginning to eat. He didn't want to stare at George, but he took small peeks to see if he was eating.

George ended up eating over half the bowl before laying back down.

"George do you want me to get you anything?" Tyson asked after cleaning up the kitchen.


"Like is there anything I can do for you?"

"Why are you doing all this?" George sat up.

"Cause we're friends." Tyson shrugged.

"Are we though?" George snapped, a hurt expression flashed on Tyson's face. "You don't know anything about me."

"Then tell me about you." Tyson said quietly.

George stayed quiet for a few moments.

"Can you take me to the store?" George suddenly asks.

"If you shower, yeah." Tyson nods. He pulls George off the couch and leads him to the bathroom. He can see George's knees wobbling.

"Will you grab me some clothes?" George asks and Tyson nods.

He hears the shower turn on as he heads upstairs to George's room.

He's looking through his shirts when one catches his eye.


Every bone in his body wanted to snoop more, but he grabbed a plain blue pullover and a pair of black sweatpants.

He cracked open the door and set the clothes on the counter, not looking inside.

Once George was all clean, he came out dressed and ready to go.

They drove to the quiet hum of the radio as they went to the store. Tyson grabbed a cart on their way in and George held on to the end of it as they went along.

Tyson let his brain wander as he let George shop. He grabbed himself a blue Gatorade at checkout which George was quick to pay for. They finished up and headed back to George's apartment.

Tyson helped George put away his groceries.

"Can I have a sip?" George spoke up after what felt like hours of silence.

"Why didn't you get one?" Tyson huffed.

"Cause you got one and I knew you'd be nice and let me have a sip." George pouted.

"I guess." Tyson jokingly rolled his eyes.

George took a drink and then handed it back, smiling graciously.

"I'm gonna go now." Tyson said after a few minutes of cleaning up the kitchen.

"Okay. Thank you for dinner. And taking me to the store." George nodded.

"Of course." He smiled. "Text me, yeah?"

George nodded. He watched as Tyson left and went back up to his room.

He felt...happy?

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