The Real Happiness.

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I searched for happiness. I sought happiness and peace everywhere. Tired of searching, I just wanted to give up the search. But then light began to appear in the darkness. Maybe because I was striving for the truth.🌙

Then I realized that the real happiness is in Islam. The real peace is in gaining the pleasure of Allah. Peace is not in wealth but in faith. Peace is not in worldly promotion but in the success of the Hereafter.🖤

Peace is crying in front of Allah in loneliness and standing before him in the night!pleasure is not in living in big houses but in going out in the way of Allah. Peace is in enduring the trials and tribulations that come in the way of Islam.🍁Peace is in sacrificing everything for Allah. Success is in the way of Allah and to attain martyrdom..🍂

The real success is in sticking to the truth. Indeed, those who read the kalima and persevere! those who adapted their lives to the truth. who sacrificed their loved ones and everything in the way of Allah, who lived according to Surah Al-Asar. Invited to the truth, endured every hardship that came in the way. Left their lands in the way of Allah. 🍃

Then finally got the martyrdoom. Got Firdos E a'ala as a reward! Of course, these are the people who have succeeded, but they have achieved the best. 🌸AND then they will get this TITLE:🌙

" THEY lived happily ever after in the PARADISE of HEAVENS FOREVER"!!

~|Bint E Islam|~ 🖤🌙

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