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Yea yea, I know quite the boring chapter names but what else do you expect?

A few things to note.
Is that for one, I am Aromantic.
Now, I am not Aromantic and Romance repulsed, I just do not actively seek out or desire to be in a romantic relationship.
Thus this will reflect in my writing, most of these are not going to be of the romantic variety but might seem that way, take it however you wish as these are going to be written in such a way to make the Reader's character as ambiguous as possibly, so that You may project upon them more easily.
Meaning when pronouns are used in reference to the reader it will be strictly They/Them. If names are ever mentioned then (Y/N) will be inputted as a prompt for you to fill in, but if your existing on this site more then two xreader books then you should be a bit familiar with this rodeo.

Another thing is that I don't own these characters, that should be fairly obvious.
All of the characters in here will be from a show called Lego Monkie Kid, if you've not heard of it and yet have ended up here then buddy you made a wrong turn somewhere!
However, that turn was not a bad one! If you wish to watch the show for yourself then you can find a playlist on youtube called "Monkie Kid Full Series" uploaded by the youtuber JACK514. It has roughly a complete list of all of the episodes out, in which there are two seasons currently. Quite the fantastic show.

Another thing, is that I have quite the Bias towards three specific characters. In a list of most brainrot to least is
1) Huntsman
2) Syntax
3) Red Son
4) Mei

Huntsman holds my drawing braincells hostage and Syntax occupies my desire to be held softly. So you are going to be seeing more of them then you will of any other characters. Apologies, I will [at some-point] attempt to include the others.

Without further ado, onwards forth~

Note: The cover art is my own, if you wish to see it in full then here is a link to it on tumbler https://at.tumblr.com/sh33bsart/697311894389817344/c5ntwnokjpg4

Lego Monkie Kid DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now