Two: Nightmares [Syntax]

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Keep calm.
Deep breath.
He's here.
Don't worry.
Arms, gently, wrapped 'round your waist.
Chin, gently, resting upon the shoulder.
A warm body, pressed softly against your back. Syntax's arms pull you closer to him gently, as you recover from the sudden fear, an' dread, that Nightmares bring; when they show their horrid claws and maws in the depths of your, previously, sleeping mind.

Just breath, focus in on the gentle, warm, comfort of him holding you. Your protector of the night, ironic it may be that he himself- being a spidery demon- may be something of someone else's nightmares; but not yours.
Never yours.
The spider demon whispers to you, how he's here, that you're okay- it was just a nightmare, he'll protect you from it.
Whispered reassurance in comforting soft, caring, tones.
Soon, you'll calm.
Soon, the sound of his breathing will lull you back to sleep.
Soon, you'll dream pleasantly, and he would watch you slumber peacefully, a soft look to his gaze, full of love and care, and drift off to sleep himself


Hello again.
This is just something I randomly had pop into my head whilst tryin' to sleep, so my apologies if it doesn't make much sense.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2022 ⏰

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