Chapter 8: World's Greatest Detective

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Batman got back to Earth to drop the gems off at the beach house and he went back to Phoebe's house with Phoebe. On the way back, Batman kept thinking about the Diamonds. How Yellow is obsessed with him and Blue is mourning over Pink Diamond. 

Based on what Yellow and Blue Diamond indirectly told him, Pink Diamond was shattered by a rose quartz, and the entire cut of gem is bubbled. Yet, there's still Rose on Earth, who couldn't join Batman on this mission because she's wanted by Homeworld. It doesn't take a detective to figure out that Rose Quartz shattered her.

Though, the reason why, and it's just his speculation, is because Pink Diamond ruled the Earth and if that were true, Humanity probably wouldn't exist to this day if Rose hadn't shattered her. If Pink Diamond was anything like Yellow Diamond, she was ruthless and aggressive. Though, Blue Diamond isn't like Yellow Diamond, she doesn't seem to act like her and is acting like a grieving mother. 

But that's only seeing her in a place that reminded her of Pink. Perhaps she's just as vile and ruthless as Yellow, if not, worse. White Diamond is the only Diamond he doesn't know or even seen before. She was only mentioned by Holly Blue Agate one and that was it. 

And it was merely a comparison of what White wears, which apparently is a cape. These Diamonds pose a threat to Earth and he needs to make sure they aren't. He already knows what Yellow is made of because he fought her not too long ago, he can tell that Blue Diamond is the emotional type and he can exploit her emotions to his advantage and White... well. she's currently an enigma. 

He'll know more about her soon, hopefully. Right now, Batman returns Phoebe to her house, but he doesn't go inside or to take off his suit.

(Phoebe) Everything okay?

(Batman) I'm fine... I'm going to patrol Gotham for a little while. I'll be back when the sun's up.

(Phoebe) What for?

(Batman) To clear my mind. It's like going for a walk.

(Phoebe) Oh... Well, I'll tell Alfred.

She walks inside and he takes the Batwing to Gotham.


Arkham Island:

Arkham Asylum, Gotham's latest mental institute and a stronger prison than Blackgate, lots of patients were brought here upon it's opening. Some say Arkham is a good idea, others say not. Regardless of what the public thinks, it has kept it's patients so far, and no escape attempts were made.

Patients like the Joker and Bane aren't the only reason why Arkham was made in the first place, they were examples of how Blackgate isn't meant to hold them for their... "unique personalities." There are patients who seriously need help and Blackgate isn't the place for them. The guards are too cruel and they abuse the prisoners, no different than the officers who worked for Commissioner Loeb and Branden.

But everything's changed now, the GCPD is actually doing their job and Blackgate is enforcing their rules and procedures a lot better now, all thank to Commissioner Gordon. Batman stood on the rooftop of the asylum and then jumped to the fence that is wide enough for him to stand on without balancing himself. He can look inside the cells of the patients and he needs to memorize which cell is which.

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