The Bad Ending

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This ending can actually considered to be canon as well, more like a head-canon ending (to a head canon story. Boy, do I love irony). It might be out of character of Batman to do what is about to happen, but he's on a different world and society, so... I got nothing else to justify it. 

3rd Person P.O.V.

[Communicator] Stop right there, Batman! We need to talk.

It's Moonlight, she finally revealed herself. She is wearing a black and grey uniform with the Diamond insignia on both shoulders, she has pale white skin, white silver hair, teeth that looks like they came from a shark, and black gloves at the ends of her arms. Batman can see her gem on her chest with four other gems surrounding it.

White Diamond's gem is above Moonlight's gem, Yellow Diamond's gem is on Moonlight's left, Blue Diamond's is on Moonlight's right, and Pink Diamond's gem is at the below Moonlight's gem. Spinel covered her mouth in pure shock and fear. Moonlight has all four Diamonds' powers, memories, and gems.

(Batman) What do you want?

[Communicator] I know what you're trying to do. You're going to try and stop me from doing this, I know. But you can't do this, I'm going to tell you why. I understand if you don't feel like listening to me, but I have an offer that you cannot resist. I know you came here to get the Diamonds to cooperate and to fix the corrupted gems on Earth. I can do that for them, since I'm all four of them put together. It all sounds too good to be true, especially since you've never met me before until now. All I want from you is to leave Homeworld and never to return. I promise, I will retrieve those animals on Earth, erase Earth from our star maps so we would never find Earth again, and I will fix our broken society. All you have to do is walk away, and everything will be better by dawn.

(Spinel) You're lying!

[Communicator] Really? You seriously think things will get better if these four Diamonds were running things again? Might I remind you both they're the most terrible beings in the entire universe? Yellow wanted to study Batman and use him to work for her, White wanted to put herself in the Batman's body so she can become the Bat, Blue shattered multiple gems because her feelings were hurt, and Pink...

She laughed.

[Communicator] Pink caused an entire warfare between Earth and Homeworld. Thousands of gems and humans have suffered because of her. I'm not the villain here, the Diamonds are. Look, Batman, I respect you, I really do. I know you got your hands full with Gotham, and I know you only came to Beach City to visit a friend. You can go back home and enjoy yourself, get some sleep, put this whole planet behind you.

Spinel looked at Batman, worried he might just leave Pink Diamond stuck inside of that abomination.

[Communicator] Besides, didn't Pink leave you behind at the Garden?

(Spinel) She couldn't get to me! She was stuck on Earth, fighting a war!

[Communicator] That she caused. I don't see why you're friends with her. She only viewed you as a toy.

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