Marauders And The Beginning.

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Inspired by: J.K Rowling's Harry Potter Series.

Chapter 1- Arrival And Sorting.
Chapter 2- Dormitories And Nightmare.
Chapter 3- Howler and classes.
Chapter 4- First Detention.
Chapter 5- Potions Accident.
Chapter 6- Halloween.

Marauders &
The Beginning...

Itz Sky Here.

Marauders And The Beginning.


Chapter 1: Arrival and Sorting.

September 1st, 1971,

It was a breezy day as the students chattered, waving and running around at the king-cross station.
A brown haired boy, 1st year probably, walked towards ruby coloured train.
The boy walked around in the train with compartments passing by, he felt quite nervous.
After a few minutes of walking, he slowly opened a compartment door and stuck his head inside. "Is this compartment taken?" He asked in a low voice. "Nope. You can sit here."

His face visibly seemed to relax and he gave a small smile. "Thank you."
He said when he sat down by the window, the faces of the two boys sitting there came visible as well, a platinum blond and extremely pale boy with blue eyes, and a fair skinned boy with raven black hair and round glasses, hazel eyes.

"What's your name?" The blond asked and the amber eyed boy turned to him with a bewildered look. "What?"
The duo laughed, "What? I just asked you your name. You're looking at me like I sued your family or something?"
He flushed,
"W-Why did you want to know?"

"Isn't it obvious? We're sharing compartments, so we might as well know eachother's names too." The raven haired boy said with a eye roll as the blond grinned.
"Oh um. Remus, Remus lupin."

"That's a cool name. I'm lucius malfoy." The blond introduced himself.

"James potter." The raven haired boy smiled and introduced himself too.

Remus's eyes went wide as a boy with neck sized black hair and grey eyes walked in. "Sup! Sorry I'm late." He grinned and his eyes went to remus.
"Who's this? You already replaced me?" The boy joked and as panic welled in remus's eyes, James huffed. "As if, just a new friend. Sit down."

"Oh I will but first, who are you?" He asked sitting beside Remus. The train started moving, James and lucius sitting on one side of the compartment, the slightly long haired boy and remus sitting on the other. "I'm Remus lupin." He raised an eyebrow.

"Okay Remus. I'm sirius black." He smiled at him and remus's eyes went wide again. "What?"

"I'm surrounded by purebloods."
He muttered and the trio glanced at each other. "And? It's not like we're going to eat you alive for not being a pureblood." They laughed as remus looked at them. "Sorry."

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