The Fight.

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Autumn's POV:

After a long and boring day of school, I was walking out the front lobby of the school. And there he was..leaning against the limousine with a smile on his face. Jessica slowly made her way to the limousine with a smug look. My insides burst with excitement as I ran into his arms and hugged him. I leaned my head into his chest as I listened to his rhythmic heartbeat. My entire body relaxed as I sniffed in his addicting cologne.

"So I guess I'm going to ride home with you." I chuckled, getting into the limousine.

Minutes past, as we had drove down the road, having little chats here and there. While Jessica looked annoyed, while looking through her phone. After minutes of talking, I sighed and looked out the window, seeing trees pass by and the blazing sun setting over the horizon. It was a long drive, where I started to get sleepy, while already being tired from school.

Minutes Later..

I woke up to a poking at the side of may face, where I carefully flickered my eyes open to see his gorgeous blue eyes staring back. He lifted me into his arms as he carried me to my room, and onto the bed. While Jessica strolled along, handing me my bags and leaving.

"Do you know what tomorrow is?" he asked as I laid down softly on the bed.

I stared at him anxiously, wondering as he shook his head and chuckled, "It's going to be your birthday tomorrow, Autumn."

In shock, I then realized that tomorrow would be October 14. My birthday.. "Oh, my birthday.." I murmured.

"Yeah, there's going to be a huge party tomorrow." he said. "Derek you don't have to." I pleaded.

"Oh, I have to. Plus, there's going to be a blood moon which makes it...much..more special." he added with an evil glint in his eye.

"What's so special about having a blood moon on my birthday?" I asked, curious.

"A blood moon is extremely important for Royals. It's the biggest celebration of the year." he answered.

"Why?" I asked.

"Your parents gave birth to you on a blood moon, Autumn. Prophecy states that a hybrid would be born on the Blood Moon to form the most powerful hybrid of all time. The Blood Moon replenishes the Royals' powers, making them stronger. Which makes you better than them fools!!!! You deserve better than those pathetic friends of yours. You're supposed to be queen of the Royals!!" I know that you still have feelings for them, especially him!!!!! he yelled in disgust.

Something inside me ticked along with the rhythm of my heart. The hunger for power..and violence. The feeling grow more and more out of control at each breath as my adrenaline rose to a high streak. It raced through my veins where my eyes turned pure black, as I pushed Derek away. Making him fly backwards and fall off the edge of the balcony. Aggression suddenly took over as I ran out onto the balcony at high speed, and jumped down. I landed onto the freshly cut grass to see Derek standing there in the center of the clearing with his arms crossed.

I glared hard into his face, giving him my deadliest glare. Waiting for fear to rise, but instead he smirked. Anger bubbled inside, as I tried to control the urge to rip his head off.

"Nobody insults my loved ones!!!!!!" I growled. He silently chuckled to himself, mocking my anger. I then realized that he held a syringe in his hand, that held a black liquid.

"What's that?!" I asked. "The thing that would make your inner demons take over." he smirked.

"Wha-a-at?" I gasped. Realizing that he has been playing me all along, only wanting my powers at the Blood Moon ritual. How hes' been keeping all my friends from me. How Jessica was acting all strange and smug. And how much I deeply missed my friends, especially Louis..

"Argggghhhhhh!!!!!!" I growled, stomping my foot into the ground. I raced forward and threw punches at Derek. As he tried to brace himself, I grabbed his arm and yanked it so hard that it was ripped off his shoulder. I took the arm and effortlessly broke it against my knee, snapping it to pieces. He howled in pain as he dropped to the ground, screaming. I went towards him and leaned down to grab his head. I grabbed a sharp wooden branch that was nearby and stabbed it into his eye. I wiggled it around slowly, to cause more pain as he screamed. Streams of blood dripped down from the eye, staining the grass with blood. Then all the sudden, I heard the air whoosh past me and the stone crumbling beneath me. Realizing that he pushed me into the stone wall where it crashed down, leaving a hole in the wall. I got up and raced forward towards him, sending a kick towards to the head. Cracks were heard from the impact as Derek fell backward onto the grass. Then all the sudden I was 20 feet in the air, locked in gravity. I struggled against the hold as I focused down onto Derek. He then screamed as he gripped his hands onto the grass. Pain erupted throughout his body, as he faced towards the sky, screaming in pain. His eyes were bulging and bleeding, where veins stuck out from his neck. Muscles flexed as sweat beaded down his forehead and throughout his body. The grip on me was lost as I fell midair onto the ground. I braced myself as I landed down onto the grass and walked towards him. Cuts then appeared on Derek's body, as blood bled out creating scars within himself. His body spread out, as if something was waiting to come out. Fire then erupted from his body as it sculpted into the face of a demon, the devil.

"I. WANT. YOU." a voice said. A voice full of whispers, a voice that was deep and loud with a sharp, threatening edge. A voice that send shivers down your spine, scarring your dreams. A voice that would be permanently etched into your mind, terrorizing you for the rest of your existence.

I stepped back, fearfully, as the fire of fury moved towards me. I breathed in the heat as it traveled through my veins, burning my insides. The fire was poison, the heat was slowly burning away my soul. The face was frozen in my mind, sending streaks of fear down my spine. It belonged to Hell, itself. He was lord of all demons, the darkness, the violence, and everything else.

That's when I heard someone calling me from behind.

"Autumn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she yelled. I turned around to see Jessica in a white Range Rover, calling me. Without a second glance at what used to be Derek, I ran towards the car and jumped into the passenger seat. The wheels then screeched as Jessica drove down the road at record speed.

"Jessica, we need to run." I said, fearfully.

"I know..I know, Autumn." she replied with worry.

To Be Continued....

I am sooo sorry that I haven't updated in such a long time. A lot has happened over the past weeks. Again, I'm so sorry. My updates are soo horribly timed. Gee, I really need to be on point with this updating. I know that I may be wayy late to say this, but I still can't believe that Zayn left. Even if he left, he would always be part of One Direction, deep in our hearts. And don't worry guys, he would still be in the story. Though now, it just feels..incomplete without him. We would never forget him..

So guys, I would keep updating. And I know yall are just shaking your heads, annoyed. But I will TRY to update as scheduled. *sigh* I'm horrible.. Later!!


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