The Beginning Of Everything

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uh, hello guys , its me, the author , so just saying , in this story , izuku will be OP as fuck, bakugo wont just suddenly turn into a good guy ,all relationships would proceed slowly, and well go on , read.

Not everybody is born equal, Izuku Midoriya has known this since he was 4 years old. Izuku Midoriya had been born normal in an abnormal world, and trust me it sucked for the little guy. 80 per cent of the population had a special trait or quirk to them and while the other 20 per cent were just, normal, and izuku's fate had been sealed in the minority of the population, the quirkless. Izuku has always dreamt of becoming a hero like all might, crashing down on the pavement, and saving the people with a big smile. he and his best friend 'kacchan' both thought that they would become heroes together until the appointment with the doctor.

Izuku when he was 4 years old in the clinic of the doctor.

" so uh doctor how was the test, what quirk does my son have?" asked Hisashi Midoriya, almost desperate to hear what it is. Inko also was eager to know the result but not with the same intentions Hisashi had.

"I m sorry, but your son might not be able to ever develop a quirk." the doctor said, looking down as if not wanting to face the midoriyas even though he wasn't at fault, he couldn't help but feel sad for the future of the boy after all the quirkless always are undermined, bullied, etc.

the news hit the couple with a shock, Inko was looking down feeling sad as if nothing could be done for her baby boy and his dream would be crushed, while Hisashi was fuming as if wanting to beat his son for not having a quirk. (it's your fucking genes you mindless piece of garbage but whatever, continuing with the story).

but among all the people the news hit the most was Izuku Midoriya, 'i don't have a quirk, I don't, but all might has a quirk, then how can I be a hero like all might, can I even be a hero, without a quirk I m nothing, nothing, I would be able to do nothing, how can I save people when I myself don't have a quirk, I m useless.' he thought while keeping quiet, so quiet that it was alarming, only his mother seemed to have noticed, but she didn't say anything, at least not in the clinic.

2 hours later at the house.

izuku reached his house and without speaking, anything went back to his room, not even once glancing at his parents, Inko tried to soothe her child but her word fell to deaf ears. she felt so sad and hopeless for her child that she couldn't even face him, after all, what can she say that would change anything.

after some time, it was time to sleep, Hisashi had kept quiet the whole way too, nobody knew why and neither him nor izuku had eaten dinner.

meanwhile, izuku was crying and continuously watching the very same old video of all might that always gave him hope, his debut, where he came out of nowhere and saved an awful lot of people with a smile on his face. izuku couldn't but noticed the irony of the situation, mere 4 -5 hours ago, he was full of joy and seeing this video thinking about being a hero like him and now, he was in despair, his dream had been crushed so badly and neither his mother nor father were talking much to him, he needed them, where were they when he needed him.

the sore eyed brocolli heard some shouting from the other room, probably his father so he went to see why was he shouting, "you piece of shit and you disgusting son, what did you say to me, please stay, if he has a strong quirk he will be a hero and I would have fame, well, now I have no reason to stay with that shitty pain in the ass boy, I m going, once and for all, and I m not coming back, ever to this trash, this disgusting family."

Midoriya was again crying,' what was happening, why is dad being mean to mommy, this shouldn't be happening', he squeaked from where he was watching," dad?" Hisashi looked at him and walked past him with his bag, without even looking at him, Inko on the other hand was crying profusely." daddy, why are you leaving us, please stay" izuku said it breaks while crying.

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