the fire and the girl

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the next day with Katsuki and Inara-

" you did WHAT to deku, "asked bakugo completely frustrated and angry though Inara couldn't understand the reason for it, she did what bakugo always wanted to do, break izuku's spirit, then why was Baku angry at her. she asked her concerns.

" what do you mean, I did break his spirit, isn't that what you always wanted"

" yes I did want to break Deku's spirit but what you did to him is unthinkable, how can you even think about doing such a thing, let alone doing it"Baku continued," from now on, we are done, you took it too far"

after bakugo left, Inara was a crying mess.

Izuku Midoriya the next day

I woke up to the smell of caramel and seawater, I didn't know how the latter came to be and I don't care, but it reminded me of what happened at the beach yesterday,

flashback -

" um, okay! , when from tomorrow is the training started and what would be my powers, would it be a water quirk, definitely since the Poseidon is the god of all water, maybe not all, some are under other gods or so have I heard, if its a water quirk, would it only control water, maybe bring the ocean to me, canitmakethewaterintoiceortheiceintowater,whataboutblood,bloodalsocontainssomewater,maybeitcanevenkillaperson,whatifikillapersoniwouldn'tforgivemyslef,whataboutplaceswheretherearenotanywaterwhatwillidothere,howwilligetthepower,woulditbenearallmightlevel,cuzitsagod,idontknowand" izuku sheepishly looks at the bearded man.

"stop there, I get it, you have a lot of questions and I will answer all of them, lemme first tell you the basics of this quirk, the rest you will know in due time" the silent trident carrier continued," so first of all this is NOT a quirk, then let's come to the main stuff, first of all, nobody except you will be able to lift the trident if they aren't worthy, and there might be only 1 or 2 people who can be worthy in the whole world, even if they lift the trident, you won't suddenly be powerless and they won't get the power, they will only be able to access the 5 per cent of the true power of the god, even though that's a lot. Next is that you will only be able to access 5 per cent of the power at first cuz no human can handle the full power of the god, you will be shredded to bits, disintegrated, to be honest," izuku gulped at the thought of him disintegrating," for accessing that 5 per cent to you will have to train your body at the hardest, your body should be in a top-notch state to handle the 5 per cent power of the god, now listen with time your body will be changing from human to a gods body, so even if you don't train you will be able to use 5 per cent in one or two years but we don't have that much time cuz from what I know UA exams are in ten months, at first after unlocking 5 per cent, you will have the power to create, control, water, breathe underwater, swim at fast paces, talk to ocean spirits and animals. You won't be invincible yet but you will be powerful at least by human standards." he stopped after taking a sigh.

" do you understand?"

" yes sensei"

"Good, now go home, I will take the trident till you can access 5 per cent, so from tomorrow before school at 5, come to the beach"

flashback ended.

I looked at the watch beside me, it read 4:45 AM, shit I have to get ready fast, sensei might be waiting for me. 

I went to the beach after getting freshen up, when I reached the dump of a beach I saw nobody except a man in his 40's probably,' was yesterday a dream, did I imagine everything'.I looked around frantically trying to find sensei but found no one, I was about to give up so I went to the unknown man and asked him," Sir, have you seen an old man, probably in his 90's in a nightgown or something?"

" oh, c'mon, that's a tunic, not a nightgown"

" s-use-sensei?"

"hahaha, yup, it's me, trident holder"

my face morphed into one of shock," but h-how?"

" oh, c'mon, I am already more than a thousand years old plus I can change how I look whenever I want, now we have already wasted a lot of time, let's start it shall we"

" yes sensei, so what do you want me to do?"

Atlan looked at his disciple trying to act serious but it all looked like he was constipated," for the first five months you would," he said with his chest puffed, izuku was looking eagerly at him, he was jumping from excitement from inside, thinking all the cool stuff he would do, changing the flow of water, making water and making ice and a lot of other stuff too, the possibilities were endless.

" clean the whole beach"

"eh" now izuku was confused, this whole beach had things weighting  thrice more than him, plus it was like a mountain of dump and garbage, how was he supposed to clean all this, that too in 5 months, 5 MONTHS," sensei, how could I clean all this in 5 months, I barely lift my school bag"

" now now, remember I told you we will train your body, so here we are!, if you use the power with as scrawny you are, you will disintegrate in seconds dumbass, so, first of all, I will make you a man"

izuku looked at him with disbelief but there was one thought in his mind ' as long as one person is believing in me, I would give it my all'

" yes sensei"

" Good, now chop-chop"

" what will you do, if you don't mind me asking"

" well supervise you, of course, heal when it gets too much , stop from breaking your body and all that"

Atlan looked at the fire in eyes of izuku, a new fire, a lot of lot bigger fire than it was yesterday,  today he was determined.

in some other part of the city.

A young girl was walking down an alley with just a blue sweatshirt, hands in the pocket, the thirteen-year-old walked with no sound produced , such a feat would be very peculiar, maybe due to her quirk, as she was walking, she was met with a sight of two drunk men, looking at her in a way which would make anybody uncomfortable.

" oho girl, how did you end up here, let us take you somewhere safe"

the other man repeated," yes somewhere really really safe"

the girl looked at the bastards in front of her, her face remained emotionless, her silver hair sparkled in whatever little sunlight was coming, hey blue eyes, slowly came in view of the men in front of her," step aside, or"

" or what huh, hey, let's show this girl what happens when you talk to their elders"

the girl locked eyes with the men and walked in front of her and then passed them," Hey where do you think you going you little bas--" the man spewing blood from his mouth, he suddenly felt excruciating pain in his chest, his life slowly leaving him, the same was happening with the other guy," what --- did -- you do?" they both questioned the emotionless girl in front of her. 

" you guys are lame," she said and put down two pouches and then she disappeared and the men died at the spot. when police came, they found two hearts in the pouches namely of the two men.

but how.

a question that was left unanswered.

hello guys, this was the second chapter, I hope you liked it, as for the unknown girl, you will be seeing more of her in the future.

b-bye penguins.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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