Driving Test

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Teacher: Hello Elijah Johnson

EJ: I prefer EJ *smiles*

Teacher: ...Hello EJ

EJ: Hi

Teacher: Hi im your teacher or whatever you wanna call me. My name is La'shanna'sena

EJ: Why would your parents name you that? They dumb as fuck

Teacher: 😒 Just drive

EJ:*starts the car up & screams*

Teacher: What's wrong?

EJ: I started the car up & it made a scary sound

Teacher: Man up & drive

EJ: Okay damn *drives*

Teacher: *scared*

EJ: *turns wildly* La la la la la la la la Elmo's world

Teacher: *screams*

EJ: *spins in circles* Wheee

Teacher: *screams*

EJ: *runs into an old lady* Grandma?

Teacher: OH SHIT

EJ: Im an amazing driver *runs over Desiree

Desiree: MY WEAVE

Teacher: *cries*

EJ: *turns wildly & stops* Did I do good?

Teacher: No what is wrong with you?

EJ: Nothing really

Teacher: *calls 911*


Teacher: How did the car catch on fire?

EJ: Damn I dont know

Cops: Elijah Johnson you're under arrest

EJ: Woah what the fuck *pushes one cop into the burning car*

Cop: Help im burning

EJ: Bitch fuck you

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