Chapter Fifteen- A Neverending Flight

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Bucky, Tony, Steve, and I all board the quinjet and begin the flight to Berlin, Germany. Tony flies the jet, Steve sits beside me, and Bucky sits across from us.

"Do you have to look at me like that?" I say to Bucky, who has been staring at me for the past five minutes.

"Why did you work for Hyrda?" Bucky asks suddenly, seeming a bit hostile.

"The same reason as you. I was under Hydra's control, I was their weapon until an old friend made me see who I really was. Similar to you and Steve," I explain, trying to keep the conversation civil between me and Bucky, which was always a challenge.

"I find it hard to believe that they picked you to be there, weapon," Bucky mumbles.

"What's the suppose to mean?" I scoff.

"It's just that you don't look like you could do much damage. You're just a skinny woman with combating skills who's good with a gun. Hydra has a lot of those already. See me, I'm a supersolider."

"You're way too cocky, Bucky. You're just an asshole who happened to fall off of a train and got turned into a super soldier. Everything special about you came out of a bottle," I say confidently, and Steve steps into the conversation as to stop the hostility. Bucky stands up and balls his fists, angrily.

"Bucky, sit back down," Steve demands.

"No, let the man do as he pleases. I don't need your protection," I say to Steve, walking over to Bucky. "Try me."

Bucky throws a punch at me with his metal arm, but I dodge it with my medihuman reflexes. He continues to throw punch after punk and tries to use his legs to knock me down. I can see him growing a bit tired as I dodge every hit, so I punch him hard in the side of his jaw and then once in the center of his face which makes his nose start bleeding. Then I quickly kick his legs out from under him, and he lands on the floor.

"What the hell?!" Bucky shouts, looking over to Steve.

"Medihuman reflexes," I tell him and go to sit back down.

"I'm going to get you back for that one day, Stafford," Bucky grunts, standing up in defeat.

"I look forward to it," I say, taking a seat. As I do, I felt the same strange feeling as earlier yesterday. Something's going on, I just don't know what.

For the next hour and a half we all sit in silence until Steve gets up and walks across the quinjet to go talk with Tony about twenty or so feet away, leaving just me and Bucky in the back.

I stand up and walk around, stretching my legs. Bucky does the same, then stands in the corner, staring at me intently. "What?" I ask, humanly.

"Nothing, it's just... you look better with your hair out of your face," Bucky says quietly. I just pause and stand there stunned by Bucky's comment for a moment.

"Pardon?" I ask, still taken off gaurd by his comment. Bucky then averts his eye off of me and down to the floor.

"Never mind. I was just saying how idiotic you are," Bucky says, trying to cover up what he said.

I try my best to shake it off, but then he walks over to me, only inches away, and I'm startled. What the hell does he think he's doing?! I try to push his away quickly, but before I can, he presses his lips harshly into mine. Where's my fast reflexes when I needed them most?

I try to push away, still in shock and a bit of disgust, but Bucky then uses this as a chance to get me back since I was distracted. He kicks my feet out from under me, like I had done to him, and then he used his metal arm to hold my wrists down to the floor and above my head.

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