Chapter 14

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Regionals had just finished and we lost, sadly. The new directions won and were heading to Nationals. Blaine and I went to his moms place afterwards and we got a call from Rachel.


"It's okay. Go ahead." I picked it up.

"Hey Rach!"

"Hey! How are you?"

"A little bummed we lost but I'm okay. I'm happy for you!"

"Thanks! I really wish you were going with us. You know Karofsky just switched schools so you should come back."

"I'd love to but there is still a lot of reasons I'm staying. Well, I guess just like one now." I looked at Blaine and smiled. "But that reason is enough to stay. I still get to call you and visit but you saw how depressed I was. I mean, I'm still close with you and call you every night but I wasn't able to have ANY relationship with him. Do you understand?"

"Yeah, it's okay. I just miss you."

"Rach! I feel terrible."

"It's fine. You guys are in love and it's more important."

"No, it's not th—" she hung up and I sighed.

"I don't want to keep you from your friends."

"It was my choice. I'm going to umm— go. I need sleep for our ride back tomorrow."

"Wait, can I talk to you real quick?"

"Sure." We went to the dinning room and sat.

"I think you should move back."

"But I don't want to."

"Yeah you do."

"What about us? I can't just give up."

"We can try to make it work. No matter how hard it will be for me or maybe even you. We will make it work, okay?"

"Doesnt this always end horribly?"

"I believe we are meant to be and it will all work out. Even if I'm wrong, you have the best friends and family to help you through it, okay?" I wiped a tear and kissed him.

"Okay. I love you Blaine!"

"I love you too Kurt!" I gave him a hug before I stood up and headed out.

Blaines POV
I sat on the couch after Kurt left and my mom looked at me.

"I have a question."


"What if you moved back to McKinley too?"

"Dad would never let me."

"What if we don't tell him?" I smiled.



"I love you mom!"

"I love you too honey!" I gave her a hug and we spent the day hanging out. The next morning I threw my back in Kurt's back seat and smiled at him.

Kurt's POV
Blaine sat down and smiled. I was confused why he looked so happy after what was happening.


"My mom said I can move back to McKinley and live with her." I smiled too.

"Seriously? This is great!" I nodded and gave him a kiss. We drove to Dalton, now happy. We went into Blaine apartment and Kurt texted David, telling him to come here. Wes was already here, obviously.

"What's up?" Wes asked.

"Wait for David and we will say." He sighed and nodded. The door opened a second later.

"David, sit." Wes demanded.

"Jeez, okay." He sat and looked at everyone.

"Umm— I have decided to move back to McKinley." I said. The two boys looked sad now.

"What? Why?" David asked.

"I just miss my friends and like it there. It's more my home."

"Are you and Blaine breaking up or doing long distance?" Wes then asked.

"Uhh— I'm actually going with him and moving in with my mom."


"I'm sorry guys..."

"It's okay. We've handled with it before so what's one more time." I gave them hugs before we started talking. Blaine and I started packing the next day and by the end of the week we were enrolled and moving back. We actually told no one to keep it a surprise. Our first day back was Monday so Friday during Glee Club we had an idea.

"Okay guys, we actually have 2 new members!" Mr. Schue said. "Come on in!" We walked in the room and Rachel screamed, running over and hugging us.


"Oh my god. Are you crying?" She nodded and wiped her face.

"I'm so happy you're back." Everyone else walked over and started giving hugs.

"You might get on my nerves sometimes but happy you're back." Santana said.

"Thanks San! Glad to be back!"

"I had to keep this a secret and god was it hard!" Finn said causing laughs upon everyone. Mr. Schue decided to let them take a break today and just let them all catch up more and get over the shock. It was a fun class and we were both so happy to be back.
A/N- Sorry this chapter is short, and the next chapter will be too. It's about to get interesting so stay tuned. The information and timelines might not be correct but I'm also not a professional 😂 so sorry if it makes you annoyed

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