Chapter 22

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Stage 2- Anger

Kurt's POV
I woke up and suddenly my whole mood changed. I got up and walked to the living room, pulling out my picture box and set it on the dining room table.

"What are you doing?" Rachel asked. I pulled out a picture of Blaine and I and grabbed scissors. "NO NO NO NO NO!!!!! STOP!" She grabbed the picture and scissors before looking at me like I was crazy.

"Give it back."

"What is wrong with you?"

"I want to rip it up. I don't want to see his— hideous face anymore. I either cut it up or throw it in the trash."

"No. They're mine until you stop being like this." She took the box and brought it to her room, hiding it. "Now will you tell me what is up with you?"

"I'm angry!" She knew this was going to happen. Stage 2. "He makes me so mad! I was trying so hard in this relationship and he never had the freaking time. I spent so much time on him and he's an ass!"

"I know. Just sit down and take deep breaths." I did as she said which helped a little. I dealt with my anger pretty good that whole week but Rachel was the one who helped.

The next week I heard a knock on the door as I was sitting on the couch with Rachel. She walked over and opened the door. I covered my ears as I heard screeching. Of course she screeched when I saw who she was hugging. Finn.

"Oh, hey Finn."

"Hey! So I have a question."


"Can I still be friends with Blaine?" Rachel covered her mouth as I slowly turned my head towards him. "Uh oh. Did I say something wrong?"

"Yes." Rachel whispered.

"Don't mention his name in my apartment again." I said in a stern voice.

"So that's a no?"


"Uh... sorry?"

"Not sure why you'd even want to talk to that asshole." His phone started ringing and he looked nervous. He reached to get it but I got it before. "Seriously?" I answered the call and stood up, clenching my fists.

"Hey Finn! I was thinking maybe we shouldn't talk anymore. I mean, I know Kurt won't be happy and there's—"

"Blaine. It's Kurt."


"And you're right. I DON'T WANT YOU TWO TALKING!!!"




"I'm selfish? Okay Blaine... STOP CALLING!" We both groaned before hanging up. "YOU HAPPY?!?!" I yelled at Finn, throwing his phone back. I then grabbed my keys and opened the front door.

"Please don't go Kurt."

"I'll be back. I just need to get out." She sighed and nodded.

Blaines POV
I was filled with rage once I realized that Kurt was just giving up. What the hell kind of guy is he? He knows we were trying to make it work and how much it took for me to deal with long distance. I stuffed everything that reminds me of him. The comfiest sweat pants I've gotten, pictures, any items, and other gifts. Cooper walked in as I shoved it in the deepest darkest spot in my closet.

"What are you doing?"

"Shoving everything that reminds me of Kurt far away where I will forget and hopefully never see it until I get over him and his stupid adorable face." Cooper chuckled and sat on his bed.

"Adorable, huh?"

"Just cause he's hot as hell doesn't mean I can't hate his guts."

"Now we are hating him?"

"Yes! He's an ass!"

"Uhh— okay?"

"I mean, he broke up with me for focusing on school! It wasn't my fault I didn't have time to call him 24/7."

"Mhm." He laid down and stared at the ceiling.

"And he didn't put in the same amount of effort as me. Maybe he didn't even love me anymore. BUT WHY WOULDN'T HE TELL ME IF HE DIDN'T!"

"Trust me, he did. The way he looked at you was just amazing. The love in his eyes and on his face was overwhelming." I smiled before furrowing my eyebrows.

"GET OUT!!!"

"Blaine." He sat up and looked at me.

"I'm serious! GET OUT!" Cooper sighed and nodded.

"Fine." He left the room and left me alone until I was ready to come out.

Later that week I got a text. I definitely wasn't expecting it but was happy I got it.

Finn: Hey Blaine! I know things are rough with you and Kurt but what can we still be friends? You're a nice dude and yeah.

Blaine: Definitely. Miss seeing you every day. Other than Kurt, you were my best friend.

Finn: Great. Talk later?

Blaine: Yup!

We talked all week until I realized that Kurt would probably FREAK if he found out. As much as I would like getting to him, it seemed wrong. I called Finn which is when everything went downhill. Cooper walked in the door as I was screaming.

"Oh really? YOU'RE THE ONE WHO WON'T LET HIS BROTHER BE FRIENDS WITH WHO HE WANTS BECAUSE YOU'RE SELFISH!!!" Cooper looked shocked and was confused who I was talking to.

"I'm selfish? Okay Blaine... STOP CALLING!" I groaned and hung up before huffing and putting my phone down.

"Geez! Who was that?" He asked.



"I don't want to talk about it." He nodded as I plopped on the couch and covered my face.

"Skipping step 4?" I nodded.

"I think I'm going straight to depression."

"Aww. I'm sorry Blaine."

"I don't know why I can't get him out of my head! Why do I care so much?"

"Cause you were in love." I groaned as he handed me a tissue and I wiped my face. "I know it's not easy. I'm really sorry." He gave me a hug and I sobbed into his shoulder.

Kurt's POV
I got home from my break and Rachel and Finn looked from their snuggling on the couch. I set a grocery bag on the table, took a pint of ice cream out, and grabbed a spoon. I pushed their legs off the couch so they sat and made room for me before I started eating.

"You okay buddy? It's winter and you're eating ice cream." I shoved a spoonful in my mouth and wiped my face.


"What?" Rachel asked. I stood up, set the ice cream down, and started freaking out.

"I can't do this!" She walked over and looked me in the eyes.

"Look at me! Breathe and talk. What's wrong?"

"I— god Rachel! I love him so much!" She nodded and tried holding in her tears as I was starting to break down. "I wish life wasn't so hard. I mean, it will never work long distance but I just want him. Without him in my life, I feel empty! Like I can't breathe or function. And OH MY GOD! I FEEL LIKE I'M SUFFOCATING IN THESE STUPID CLOTHES!" I walked to my room and took them off, putting on some sweats.

"Can you breathe now?"

"Is Blaine here?" She closed her eyes and looked down as I walked back to the couch, played moulin rouge, and ate ice cream. Finn and Rachel just sat to the side, watching me. Only a few more days until she could pass this on to my dad.

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