The moment of Impact

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Author's note

First of all I have to tell you that this piece is far from how I wrote "Your Voice". I was fifteen when I wrote this (currently eighteen now). With that said I must say that this was written badly (a little bit), and it is also quite cheesy, not how I normally write. Anyway, it's a good read and the story's really worth it. This is just something to read while you wait for updates from "Your Voice", something to kill time. So, there you go, this is "Inevitable Moments of Collision".


The moment of Impact

I’ve watched The Vow one too many times to know what that phrase means. Like what Channing Tatum says in the movie, the moment of impact proves a moment potential for change, it has an effect more than what we can predict. Yatta, yatta. It kind of goes like that, wait let me copy and paste it here.

Ah, here it is. “The moment of impact. The moment of impact proves potential for change. Has ripples effects far beyond what we can predict. Sending some particles crashing together. Making them closer than before. While sending others spinning off into great ventures. Landing them where you’ve never thought you’ve found them. That’s the thing about moments like these. You can’t, no matter how hard you try, control how it’s gonna affect you. You just gotta let the colliding part goes where they may. And wait. For the next collision.”

So yeah, well the point is, the moment of collision affects the far greater moments in your life that may or may not actually happen. The moment of impact is, for example, when you unexpectedly receive your first kiss, when a charming stranger introduces himself in chemistry class; etc. Then that moment of impact inevitably affects how your life goes.

Well for me, the moment of impact was the day I was late for Spanish class. If I hadn’t dozed off at lunch break I wouldn’t have collided with Melissa. Basically, I was late, I ran in the hall – thank goodness nobody was there to yell ‘No running in the halls! – then we collided. Literally.

“Ouch!” I let out as my hand made its way to my nose.

“I’m sorry! I’m so, so sorry!” A frantic voice made me look up, there she was. At that time I didn’t know what her name is, but she looked familiar because was in few of my classes.

“No, no, it’s okay.” I said, assuring her, she was really frantic. Her eyes were wide and she was breathing weird, it was okay, at least my nose isn’t bleeding, but it did hurt.

I looked at her and I let out a weak smile, “I’m okay.” It was my turn to widen my eyes when I saw her nose bleeding. “Oh my God, your, your nose!” I kept pointing at it like a mad man.

“What?” She felt her nose and finally made its way to the nose bleed.

“Uhh, uhm.” I was looking for my handkerchief but before I could hand it to her, she passed out. Like, literally. She fell face first towards me, luckily, I caught her. “Hello? Uhh, hello?” I lightly tapped her cheeks. Why is nobody present? I thought weirdly when I looked around.

      Now in the movies, if a scene like this happens, it would cut right there and uncut and they would magically be in the nurse’s office; or the hospital, or an open grave. But no, this wasn’t a movie. The reality was: I had to carry – more like drag – her to the nurse’s office. And her nose didn’t stop bleeding, so she bled through my shirt.

      So that’s how we met. Well not really, at the time we didn’t know each other’s names, and it’s not an ideal story of ‘how I met my girl friend’, but it’s significant to the story. And like I said, the moment of impact is the most important thing, it affects the outcome drastically, and it is where every story begins.

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