After all

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The doctor came out of the ER a few hours later. He started out by explaining what had happened to Cara, Josie was pretty eager to hear the news and she just couldn’t wait any longer. I didn’t know if this doctor came to tell us good or bad news.

When he finally told us the inevitable, Josie broke down. As for me, I just stared at him, disbelieving what he has just delivered. “I’m sorry but we tried our best.” With only a single phrase like that we already knew.

I could feel myself sobbing in some way. “She promised she wouldn’t die on me.” I whispered. I just couldn’t handle the lump in my throat right now and eventually tears crawled down my eyes.

“Melissa!” Josie shook me a bit and I woke up.  A dream, I thought. “You were crying in your sleep.” In her remark my hand made its way up to my face, I was crying. I didn’t know what to say so she speaks up again, “The nurse said we should go to the room, Cara would be brought up there any minute now.”

“Okay.” I manage to say.

A nurse leads us to a private room and we sat there anxiously, “She was in there for more than ten hours.”

It was that bad? “Did they tell you anything yet?” She shook her head.

      After a few minutes the door finally opened and we took sight of Cara for the first time. The right side of her body was bandaged up, her forehead too; the left side though was nothing but bruises and a few scratches. But the pressure was slowly dawning on me now.

She was transferred on the bed and nobody told us anything, Josie called the nurse before she left, “Uhm, all I know is her vitals are stable for now.” For now, two words that just weighted heavily.

It was noon already so Josie went out to buy us some food, and more coffee. I was left alone with Cara and I remembered the first time I watched her sleep. I remember back then I wished she wouldn’t wake up, but now, all I wanted was for her to open her eyes.

My hand made its way to hers and it just felt so cold like she was dead. I just can’t believe this. I can’t. The tears in my eyes were already swelling up so I let it stream down my cheek.


      Later that afternoon the doctor that worked on Cara finally came to give us an update. Josie had already fallen asleep but she woke up fast when the doctor came. Both of us were very eager to know how she was doing. We were suffocating there. Like there was something gripping our necks and every minute passing without us knowing, the grip would tighten and tighten.

“Good afternoon, I’m Dr. Brewster; I worked on Cara early this morning.”

Dr. Brewster was holding papers and was eyeing them as he spoke to us. “How is she?” Josie looked at both the doctor and the nurse, preparing herself for the worst.

“Well, her injuries consist of a broken arm, wrist, shoulder, hip, leg and ribs. She also cracked her forehead open when her head hit the windshield of the car, minor bruises all over and a few scratches.” My heart grew heavy with every word the doctor uttered.

He looked at us for a brief moment then he continued, “Good thing she wasn’t tossed by the curb or she would have received much severe injuries.” That was a positive thing, right? I thought to myself.

“But,” Oh no. “She was on her bike and the car struck her directly at her upper thigh, risking the piercing of her femoral artery, if it would have been punctured, she would have bled to death within ten to fifteen minutes.”

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