Stuck with you

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Reading documents kept Gumball awake almost the entire night. The only reason he did sleep was because he was asked retire by his maid, and even then he could only stare at the high ceiling. 'What a nice night' Gumball thought 'Why should I sleep?'. But that wasn't the real question, the real question was why couldn't he? Finally he closed his eyes. Thinking about his kingdom and what was to come of it as time went on. Then he drifted off.

That morning was rough for both boys.
Marshall had been out all night hanging with LSP and Fiona. Prince Gumball, on the other hand, had stayed up to late working. The only difference was that Marshall slept during the day and the prince did not. He had duties to uphold, and he would tend to them no matter how tired he was. There wasn't a lot that had to be done though, mostly just cleaning his lab equipment. There wasn't a lot of paper work really just reports on how everything was going in neighboring kingdoms. Most crime was under control in these areas thanks to Fiona and Cake anyway. Finally he was done sorting his data and color coding his experiment notebook. Really all this was in preparation for Marshall's experiment. He pushed his glasses back up and looked out side. 'Another rainy day' He thought.

When everything was neat and ready the pink prince started to get dressed. He wanted to look presentable for his next lesson. Not that there was anyone there to impress. He started to head out, this time though, he called for a carriage. After the little incident with MC and Cake a few days ago he had decided to give the couple more space and only call for him if it was an emergency. He packed a few cream puffs in a bag, grabbed his rain jacket just in case and hurriedly ran to the awaiting carriage. He was going to run a little late but hopefully Marshall wouldn't mind. " Where to, your majesty?" Asked the coach man. "Marshall lee Abadeer's residence please" he said looking out the window. He herd the man gulp as he shook his head and steadied his grip "Y-yes Sir" then the sound of a whip cracked the silence and they were pulled forward. The sound of rain hitting the top of the carriage startled the prince from his thoughts. " oh sugar plums" he exclaimed. Now the lessons would have to be postponed and he wouldn't be able to ask Marshall to help him with his project. When they pulled up the coach man suggested he go leave a message so Gumball wouldn't have to go out in the rain but he ordered the man to stay where he was. He wanted to ask him and give his apologizes himself. Finally with a grunt the little old candy man jumped down and opened the door for him and he dashed out, completely forgetting his rain coat and dragging out his little satchel.
Marshall woke to a pounding on his door. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the partially busted up clock next to him. 6:37  pm. "oh glob that has to be Gumball" hurriedly he floated down the latter and opened the door. Only then did he realize it was raining. Suddenly someone cleared there throat. Marshall pushed his hair out of his eyes to see none other then an completely soaked, grumpy, Prince Gumball all hunched over with his arms linked together shivering like crazy. The vampire couldn't help but double over in laughter, whipping a fake year from his eye. "Y-your face" he started laughing again. Letting himself in the wet prince slammed the door and set his satchel next to the couch. " Oh Honestly! I don't know what you find so humorous about this". Marshall regained his composure to the best of his abilities. "You're going to get sick of you don't put something dry on" he snickered. "Oh thank you captain obvious! That though never crossed my mind!" The prince let out and exasperated sigh. "hey come with me I'm sure I can find you something"
Gumball looked up at Marshall surprised he would even offer to help him. "Thank you very much" he smiled but The king just shrugged. "Yeah, yeah whatever I just don't want my floor wet" he mumbled starting to float up the latter with Gumball close behind.
When they got into Marshall's room the pink prince was shocked. It wasn't as messy as he thought it would be, but no where near clean, the surprising thing though was the smell, the sent of rose wafted throughout the whole up stairs. "Dude stop gawkin' I know it's dirty geez" muttered the king. "Oh Excuse me" Gumball retorted sarcastically forgetting about the smell. Marshall was rummaging through his closet,  throwing clothes behind him whenever he thought they wouldn't look right.

"Alright" he said starting to get up "Here you go your royal highness my deepest apologies but this is all I've got" he laughed before shoving the ball of clothes into the princes arms. The vampire left with a extremely noticeable grin plaster to his pale, gray face and Gumball quickly took off his vest. It was only when he was half naked when the realization kicked in that Marshall didn't have a lock on his door and that he might try and play another prank on him while he was undressed. His undershirt hadn't gotten wet, though his pants were soaked.
Finally he slipped out of his normal pink trousers and held up the pair that Marshall lent him. They looked like they would fit and his undergarments hadn't gotten wet so hopefully he could get into these, being that he was a tad bit smaller then the vampire. Gradually he pulled them up doing a kind of dance to get the bottom to go into it's whole. When they were on he turned picked up his clothes. There was a hard knock at the door "Yo!" Marshall yelled from the other side "You done yet?!". Pulling the wet clothes to his chest and gave a soft "Yeah" in reply and the door swung open.
"you take forever man" Marshall huffed waltzing past the price
"Where can I put these?" He asked, the mess of clothing in his hands.
  "here give 'em" Marshall held out his hands and Gumball tossed them over with a chuckle

"And what may I ask is so funny" he muttered , brows furrowing in confusion.

"Guess I never thought I would be this close with you again you know? This is the second clothing item of yours that you've lent to me". Pondering it for a moment Marshall nodded "yeah and honestly dark doesn't look all that bad on you".

After everything was situated and Gumballs clothes where hung to dry in the bathroom there really wasn't much to do, there wasn't any sword lessons because of the rain and Gumball couldn't call for anyone but MC to come pick him up and even then he would probably get sick if he went out in this weather. Marshall was being amazingly nice by letting him stay until the rain ended but there wasn't anything to talk about so they just sat there, in completely awkward silence, while it got darker and darker outside and the rain not letting up.

Gumball glanced over at the king, who looked bored out of his mind, then he remembered, "Hey Marshall may I ask something of you, I need your help with something" He turned cocking an eye brow "whatcha ya need now bubba?" "
"Well I wanted to do an experiment and-" "No way, I'm not doing some stupid sciency thing just because you've run outta' lab rats dude, sorry". Gumball was extremely disappointed, normally he would have argued back but it was late and for some reason all the fight had left him. "oh" was all he said before standing "I should be getting back to my kingdom" he said plainly. "It's still poring! You can't Gu-" "Bite me okay it's not like you care" he snapped "What the heck man? Is this because I wont do that stupid science thing?!"
"I just wanted to help you, you didn't even listen to what I wanted to do.. I mean I get it's boring to you but sword fighting wasn't what I wanted to do so-" "fiiiine" Marshall groaned "I'll do it just be quiet and sit down". Gumballs eyes widened "really? thank you Marshall!" before the vampire could say anything the now bubbly prince flew by him. He tired to move before having a bag shoved into his face "For you" Gumball said "Woah thanks man" he looked inside to see jam filled cream puffs. "Mhm" Gumball mumbled yawning as he sat back down. Marshall sat next to him hovering only an inch from the couch pulling some out when he felt a heaviness on his arm "you want one du-" he was cut off by a soft snore. "Really man?" He whispered setting the food down and grabbing Gumball. He laid him down on the bed, figuring he would just have to let him sleep here for the night and hope the kingdom wouldn't burn down without him. With chuckled he pulled the blanket over him. "Night night your majesty" He hissed in a hushed tone near Gumballs ear and floated back up to his room, his face stuffed with the delicious treats.

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