All by ourselfs

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Gumball woke sore and stiff. "What the glob?" He questioned aloud. "Good morning sleeping beauty" a voice answered back. "Marshall did...What time is it?!" The panicked prince yelped sitting up. Marshall huffed through his nose " like 6:30.. Or more like 7:00 in the morning "
"What?! And you didn't wake me?! Oh my glob! Oh what am I gonna do-" the sound of Marshall's cackling laughter cut him off .
"Dang man chill your buns it's like 5:00" he said, eyes wondering ever so slightly to the groggy princes bed head.
"I still have to get back to my kingdom" Gumball mumbled, embarrassed. He began to get up and walk to the bathroom to receive his clothes when Marshall floated in front of him "Look your vest and pants might not be fully dry and it's still kinda dark out so why don't I just bring ya home and we can do your sciency thing, kill two birds with one stone"
Gumball put his hand under his chin looking as if he was contemplating what Marshall said "Yes well, I guess that's a good idea but we must hurry"
"Alright alright bubba I'll get you there faster then that horse!" The king said proudly and opened the door. "After you, your majesty" he hissed slyly.
Gumball merely shook his head and walked out into the bathroom, Marshall was right, his clothes were still damp. "Oh well" he sighed grabbing them and folding them up.
He walked out still half folding his vest and that's when he realized "hey Marshall" he started to open the bedroom door "Did I forget my-" he looked up at the king, who was in the middle of getting dressed. He was only wearing his normal plaid button up and just starting to put his pants on. "I-I'm sorry! Excuse the intrusion!" He yelled nearly dashing out and slamming the door behind him. He herd more crackling laughter come from behind it as his face went red from the tip of his ears to the back of his neck.
The door creaked open "Yo bubba what's wrong it's not like you haven't seen stuff before, I mean your a dude too.. or has that changed as well? Should I check for you?" The now red prince stammered at his words before finally just nodding his head in agreement and looking away.
  "Well um I'll get my backpack to put your clothes in and we'll head out alright?"
"Alright" Gumball mumbled, not facing him as he turned to head down the creaky latter.
Once Gumball was all packed up and he had finally gotten his crown from Marshall's room they started to head out.
Surprisingly Marshall was extremely fast, and as he has said before he did get Gumball to his kingdom faster then MC had ever been able to.
The boys jumped onto the balcony and Rushed though the doors just as the sun was rising. Quickly Gumball grabbed the curtains and shoved them together so the light wouldn't hit Marshall. "Thank you for bringing me back". The vampire laughed through his nose in response before replying with "What was I gonna do? Keep you captive?" They both chuckled.
  "Well I suppose I'll tell peppermint I'm back and then we can begin"
The vampire yawned said "yeah yeah okay where do I go" Gumball turned and pointed toward the book shelf in his room. "Pull the dark pink book on the top shelf and when it opens go inside, that's the secret passage to my lab"
"Oooh look at you all secrety and stuff" Marshall said, floating over to the bookshelf. Once he was behind it Gumball rung the maids bell and told her to inform any and everyone that he was home and to pardon him for being so late, even though the kingdom was most likely still asleep. He went into his lab the normal way using the regular door.
Honestly Gumball didn't know where to start because he didn't think he would get this far. He walked up to Marshall and sighed. "So I do believe, I never got to tell you what the experiment was" he said smiling. That made the king slightly worried "Your not going it go all crazy scientist on me right bubba?" Gumball laughed and sat down on his little black stoule. "alright" he started "I'm going to need you to take your shirt off first and lay back" he turned and roamed his desk for the paperwork he had, had the day before.
"Well you should at least by me a drink first" Marshall grumbled with another twisted smirk. A faint blush appeared on Gumballs otherwise pale pink face before he turned and started to place all the formulas in the tray. "I'm making a serum so that you'll be able to go out into the sun without burning" he said mixing the green chemicals with the blue tube and attaching to to Marshall's chest.
The vampire looked taken aback, his eyes going wide for only a moment. "You.. You think you can do that?" He questioned.
"I believe so, although it may take a while to perfect"
" Well uh...thanks dude that's really cool of ya" Gumball faked a gasp "oh Why thank you! Never have I ever thought of the day were such a commoner as I would have the liberty of getting a 'thank you' from his royal majesty" They both chuckled in reply.

After hours of testing, eating and laughing both boys were about spent. "duuuude" Marshall groaned. He hadn't slept or had the need to lay down because he had always floated and when Gumball strapped him down to the bed, well let's just say he knew how everyone who sat oh his couch felt now. The pill that was supposed to keep him awake was wearing off and Gumball had gone to fetch one. When he got back he started to take off the restraints and the tubes that had been attached to his vampiric friends chest. Gumball handed him the pill and his shirt. "We really haven't gotten far but I now know I have to get human DNA for this particular experiment so... I'm sorry if you hadn't been comfortable" Marshall rubbed his back and groaned in reply. They had only been at it for three or four hours and still had plenty I daylight left. "Well I guess if you want to head home I won't keep you" Gumball said pushing his new data into a file and shoving it into a cabinet "oh yeah so I can burn to death, I see how it is" the pink haired prince huffed "not what I meant Lee" Marshall faked and angered look "That's MISTER LEE to you!" They both laughed. Then it when silent and Marshall looked down at the floor "What happened to us, we were so close and-" "We grew out of each other" Gumball cut him off with a sad expression "I'm glad we're getting closer again though..." he mumbled softly to his feet, adjusting his crown.
"Ah.. Well this got depressing fast, whatcha ya wanna do now gummy?" Gumball rolled his eyes "I don't know, I didn't think I would get this far" Marshall nodded and picked a small knife. Before Gumball could tell him to be careful he managed to cut himself. "ow, glob, what the math why is that so sharp!" He hissed. Gumball had always reacted fast when his candy people got hurt so on instinct he jumped up and grabbed the largest band aids from the first aid kit on the wall and wrapped Marshall's thumb. Gently he kissed it and walked to the trash to throw it away. Then he realized what he had done, turning to see a stunned Vampire king he started to blush "I-I well I mean, it was," he stammered. " Guess this place really has softened you gumwad" the princes eyes widened but he soon understood "i guess you're correct". They sat in utter silence for a good three minuets until Marshall cleared his throat. "Let's forget that happened" Gumball nodded "o-okay" and again it was silent. "wanna go sit in my room and just catch up?" Gumball offered "yeah, yeah I guess that's cool" Marshall replied.
Once in the princes master bedroom they sat on the bed and just talked, talked about what they had done over the years, what life was like back then right after the mushroom wars and how much they had missed each other's company. They spoke about how they changed but always seemed to find their way back to one another. Maybe that was how the universe worked.

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