My king

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It had been a little over a month so far of just testing, making skin cell clones and recording data. They had only gotten as far as sculpting the outer frame of Marshall's bride-to-be, not haven even thought up a name for her. That's where they had gotten stuck, honestly it was up to the vampire king to name his queen but he had stated he "Didn't care so don't bother asking" a while before the background report was even important.
Although Gumball had been working hard he was extremely glad he didn't have to do it alone. Just like Marshall said. Gathered around a round table in the library the team of friends were spouting out names. "how about Alyssa? Claire? Mina?" Fiona suggested "nah" Marshall groaned not really paying attention, his eyes shifting from the ceiling back to Gumball. "okay well Anna is nice is Brooke" flame mumbled.
"Brooke is okay but I really want something tougher" Gumball sighed at Marshall's reply

"how about something close to your name? Like Macy or melody?"
"Nah" the king huffed and continued "Marcy" the bored vampire whispered "it's a nice name it's short for-"
"It's perfect!" Fiona chuckled lightly, pulling her hair behind her ear.
"Then it's settled" Gumball announced. Marshall didn't seem to get any other say after that the rest of the week. He started to become more and more distant until he stopped coming to the candy kingdom all together.

Gumball sat in his chair thinking. It had been about three months since this all began and he hadn't seen Marshall in a few weeks. He understood though, it was a lot to take in, beginning a life with someone, taking over a kingdom. The girl was almost done too.     
   Suddenly he sat back, his heart a bit heavy. Marshall was going to start a life with another. They would, never grow old and rule together forever. Gumball and him were just beginning to be friends again and it was honestly one of the best parts of his life in so long. This had happened before, Gumball was afraid of his feelings and so buried himself in his work and no longer spoke to his vampiric best friend.     
      Abruptly tears pricked his eyes and he realized, that's what he that wanted, he wanted to grow old with someone he loved and that loved him back. He could give Marshall a bride, he could give her beautiful looks and hair and eyes but he could NOT make someone love another. And it wouldn't be fair to Marshall lee to give him someone who doesn't feel for him the way... The way Gumball felt for him. The friendship and love was something that couldn't be artificially created. Jolting to his feet the prince dashed room his spot and down threw the doors open. "Get me a carriage NOW" he didn't mean to raise his voice to his subject but he absolutely had to see Marshall.
It was stormy outside but not as bad as the storm of emotions going on within Gumball's head. Nervously he ran his hand through his soft pink hair as an attempt to calm his shaking. What was going to happen? What would Marshall say? A sudden stop made Gumball's heart race. "What's going on? Whats happened?" There was a pause before the coach man answered. "Sir, someone's in the middle of our path". It took a lot to get the Gumball angry, not this time though. He jumped out, landing with a squish in the mud. "What's the issue here sir? Please move" the rain came down faster making it hard to see who it was. The dark figure flew threw the air ramming into Gumball and knocking him down. Out of words and breath he was completely shocked when the figure placed his lips on his own trembling ones. Then he smelt the smell of roses, and he pressed his lips onto Marshall's. A few seconds later they pulled away and together they started the same sentence, both breathless.
"I love you"
A laughing vampire pulled up an equally as happy candy prince. Both were covered in mud but that didn't stop the embrace that came next. Neither wanted to let go. Marshall pulled back slightly leaving his arms still latched around Gumball's waist and Gumball's arms still attached around Marshall's neck. The dark haired boy leaned down to whisper in Gumball's ear. "Im not letting you go" Gumball's breath hitched.
"I'm not letting go either"

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