Everyone Gets Hurt

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It was late at night, midnight to be exact, Raphael was curled up, his back against the couch, crying and muttering things.

'It's my fault, I should've done something!'

He mumbled. Then suddenly there was a light in front of him, he looked up and couldn't believe his eyes. There she was. A glowing figure among the dark living room.

"A-Azi?.." His voice came hoarse, barely used in the last few days. His little sister crouched in front of him, he could see the blood dripping from her nose and mouth, a large wound in her head, oozing with blood. She smiled even though her eyes were broken and dull.

"It's okay Raph, you always tried to protect us but sometimes we'll get hurt." She said, her voice echoed through the room, melodic and soothing. "Don't blame yourself for it, it wasn't your fault." She placed her hand on his. It was cold like marmor.

"You're upset, let me sing!" She grinned. He had done that when she was upset...

"Time is an illusion that helps things make sense, so we're always living in the present tense. It seems unforgiving when a good thing ends but you and I will always be back then, you and I will always be back then.~"

Her voice faded as she did when the song ended. He was alone again with his guilt. At least she was still there. In his heart.

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