Saved By Death

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TW//Mentioned suicide

How many times he'd stand here, at edge of death, at the edge of this rooftop. His stomach turning in dread. He took a deep breath and-

"Sephtis, step away from that edge." A soft yet unsettling voice came from behind. The young man turned around. There stood a tall woman with eyes stormy as the sea, messy brown hair that still fell down her back in elegant waves, she was tall and pale like marmor yet her skin was scarred every where.

"W-Who are you?" He mumbled. "A nobody, now jump and do everyone a favor~" There was that voice again and the dark figure was back, grinning so smugly. He should just do it, no one would care.

"Sephtis come down, you'll regret it when it is too late if you don't." The woman's voice came again, she stepped forward, calm and unmoved. "W-Why? No one cares about me, there's nothing for me here.."

"You don't know that, what if I told you that I do care about you? You might not know me but I do know you, I have watched over you for years and I know your future. Hold on a little longer, you won't regret that but you will start to regret your choice of falling when you can finally see the view from half way down."

"Don't listen to her, she's trying to make you stay and suffer so much more than you already do, just jump and everything will be over, you'll be free!" The darkness laughed, a horrible sound. They were right..but what if that woman wasn't lying either?

"I-If I stay, what will happen?" He asked, hearing the darkness growl. "You will be MISERABLE-"
"Shush, stop trying to kill this poor boy and pull him into your web of lies." The woman shut them up. "If you decide to stay, you will find good friends and they'll take you in, you'll be able to get away from your father and finally live a happy life. And I'll always be by your side." She reached her hand out to him, black raven wings suddenly sprouting from her back." Come with me my dear, I will care for you as I do for so many other children too."

He took her hand, stepping off the edge and into her arms, feeling much lighter and happier. Hot tears streamed down his cheeks as he held on to her. She stroked his dark hair, singing a soft lullaby to sooth him.

Everything seemed alright in that moment, and everything would be okay in the future, she was there and wouldn't be leaving any time soon...

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