A Foreigner

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He didn't know if he'd seen her before, he felt like he did.

He saw her striding through the halls of an old palace, now a home to nymphs like him, she was..different.

Light brown curls that fell down her back like thin strands of copper when the sun hit them, a few had gold bits braided in. She wore a white dress that reached her knees, a greyish blue corset, a brown bag slung over her shoulder. Her arms and hands were bandaged just like her legs and bare feet, she didn't wear shoes as she wandered around. Her skin was pale and smooth like marmor and her eyes as grey and stormy like the sea. The bridge of her nose was freckled and a little scar ran across it.

She was beautiful and he couldn't understand how she was human, but she was..

He saw her place a few things in front of the throne, kneeling before it and mumbling words he couldn't understand. What was she doing?

He watched, emerald green eyes scanning her every move.

Then she smiled and looked him directly into the eyes, he hid behind a pillar before looking back.

She was gone.

This foreigner...something about her drew him in..

He hoped to see her again, to know her name and maybe spend the rest of her life together.

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