-Chapter 1-

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🛑Future me (BlueRose0407)  : if you see this word "alerdy" it means already YES I SPELL WRONG- But at the future I realize my mistake and write this for you <3)🛑

-Future BlueRose0406


(❗Warning ❗ I did not study in a English school when I was young , I study in a Chinese school (the teacher didn't really teach us english that well), but now i am studying in a English high school in my country at the age of 13, but my first language I learn is English and mandarin at the same time ,So there will be Grammer mistake !) BTW THIS IS A RANDOM DREAM I HAD !

Aesop POV:

"Ugh..." I woke up around 5:30am in the morning by the sound of water dripping, I look out the window while rubbing my eyes ,it was raining cats and dogs . I got up my bed while yawning tiredly and wanted to sleep a bit longer but I cant- cause I don't want to miss breakfast. Breakfast is really important for all survivor cause we need energy before going to our matches .I tidy up my Bed and walk towards the bathroom to wash my face , I splash the water to my face and look at the mirror. "........................" I stood there for a moment just staring at at my self , before I sigh and whipe my face with my tower.

I took a quick bath and brush my teeth before changing into my clothes and graping my make up box. That time it was around 6:30am. I open my door and took a big breath before walking at the hallway. Some of the survivors were already awake and chatting with there friend at the hallway.

When suddenly someone tap me on the shoulder.
I jump a little before turning behind to see who is it .

"Good morning Aesop!" Eli say while smiling looking down at me .

"Morning Aesop."Naib say while staring at his own hand.

"Gah!" I flinch.
I look at them for moment before saying :
" Thanks God it's you guys ,you guys scared me a little back there -, " I sigh in relief before saying Good morning to both of them back .

We walk together to the main hall ,Eli was the tallest among us he was 6'1, I am 5'8 and Naib was the shortest he is 5'3 but Naib was the strongest among us tho-
We try to guess what we were eating by the smell of the food .*sniff sniff sniff*

"Hmmm waffle?" I guess while looking at them.

"Nah maybe sandwich!" Eli said while looking at me in the eye.

I blush a little - and turn my face to another side to hide it
Eli giggle a little.

"I bet it's pancakes!" Naib said out loud.
When we reach to the kitchen- Naib look at us and said

"Hah I got it right !" Naib said happily.

We were having pancakes and eggs for breakfast.

When I was about to say something to Naib , Naib ran to get the food- as fash as he could.

"Yeesssss food !" Naib said hungryly while taking 5 pancakes 3 eggs and putting it on his plate .

Naib was really hungry because he had a match last night and got his hand hurt real bad-, making him miss dinner.

From The Future [Elisop] ❗DISCONTINUE ❗Where stories live. Discover now