-Chapter 9- (short af-)

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"Hello ! I just realize how much my spelling and grammar improve! Long ago I spell already "alerdy" LMAO- now I fell so stupit -. But Thank you for all of your support! :D btw this will have some mistake cause I  really rush this  -"


Alyssap POV:

"Ah! Em you must be Luca ? Right ?" I said while looking at him .

"Yes! I am ! Your Alyssap right?" Luca say while putting his hand out .

"Yap I am ! So what brings you here to me ?" I said  while shaking his hand .

"Oh I was just walking by and I saw you ." Luca said while seeing what's I was doing .

"So what are you doing here- ?". He said in a concern voice

"Oh! I was just planting some roses -" I said while putting the rose seeds in the dirt .

"Why white rose ? And what for -" He said

We talk for a few minutes before he begen to help me plant the rose too , and understand why I plant white roses .we were getting along quite good .

"Oh that's cool! "Luca said

"Huh ya -" I reply laughing a little .

We were talking about random sh$t and other stupit things .
Tbh I'm quite surprised how we can talk quite long even tho we just meet .
When Luca suddenly said

"Hey Alyssap ....can I tell you something that I never tell anyone else ? " Luca said

"Em - sure -?" I said while stop planting the roses to listen .

"Well-.... Please keep this a secret but I think Norton will make a great couple with someone else I know ! " Luca said  while smiling at me.


"WHAT-!?" I yelled in shock while I stand up .

"Wow! Don't yell or else someone will hear us !! I know it's weird-....but let me explain fi-" Luca said while trying to clam me down but I interrupt him

"BUT YOU GUYS ARE DATING?! WHY DO YOU THINK HE WILL MAKE A GOOD COUPLE WITH SOMEONE ELSE ?!"I yelled in frustration , my mind was spinning around now .


"Something like that - " Luca said

"WHAT- " I was cut off by Luca covering my mouth

"Just let me explain first ...." Luca said

"Just listen to me and I'll tell you why-! It's not what you think  it is !" Luca said while he stop covering my mouth

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