Yandere M Supreme Knight x M Reader

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Warning: Do be aware that this has toxic behaviour that should not be tolerated.

Supreme Knight: Philip

_3rd Pov_

It has been quite a chase, Y/N and Philip is. For days, Philip has been chasing Y/N and Y/N keeps escaping.

In his kingdom, Y/N was the peasant who wanted nothing more than peace for himself but the selfish hands of the authorities, has made his life worse.

They fabricated lies and deception as they manipulated everybody with their words. He was accused of stealing from the rich and many more. This made him escape.

So, with the day he escaped, Philip has vowed to pursue his every step.

Everyday discovering something new about Y/N, he gradually fell inlove. He knows a lot about Y/N than any other human being.

He wants Y/N to surrender himself before he got hurt, not that he would mind.

Y/N's persistence kills Philips patience everyday and grows his will to be with him.

Philip is smart and plans ahead. He knows where exactly Y/N ends up while Y/N is clever and resourceful.

The Knight has now hired men to cover for his ass as he could never be fast enough for Y/N.

The men are now scouting around nearby villages while Philip and the others is out trapping the forest with rope traps and bear traps.

Y/N was always hiding too. He could outrun Philip's men but he would be outnumbered. He is disguising himself with the clothes and tools he bought.

They were supposed to search for 3 days in the current village but they knew Y/N was hiding here. The people told them.

Every night is a struggle. For Y/N, the ability to sleep peacefully is a blessing, but he could not. He couldn't just leave the village at night as he would be targeted suspicious.

For the fifth day, he's planning to escape the village. Nearing the exit of the village standing out like a sore thumb, one of the men noticed him.

Y/N ran out of the village while having a mob of big men chasing him.

Firstly, Y/N persevere through rocky cliffs formed by the eroding mountains. This was dangerous as one slip can lead for his death. He took this chance.

This was successful as many of the men failed to climb the cliffs. But the most brave, fit and flexible still manage to go on.

Reaching the steepest part of the mountain, Y/N jumped to get to another step only to fail and fall forwards. His hands were the only thing keeping him alive.

He made the decision to throw everything he has. The bag with valuable tools and measurements, he thrown.

With the heavy lift left his body, he tried to save himself, which he did but the men started getting closer. Telling him to stop going further.

Of course, he did not listen and went up. Faster this time. It was a very nerve wracking experience for Y/N. He was nowhere a professional with climbing rocks but he sure was lucky.

When he reached the top most part of the cliff which is land, he ran deep into the forest.


Furious about the news he got from the other men that wasn't able to climb, he told the other men to arm themselves as he is going to stop this chase.

He got a bow for himself. While the others got swords and crossbows. They snuck deep into the massive mountains and they were dangerous.


Y/N with nothing on himself except the dirty clothes, has slowed down. This part of the mountain was moist and wet.

It was also humid too. With the viscous mud he is stepping on, it hinders Y/N ability to move faster giving time for Philip to move.

Yet he still tries his best, it was obvious he wanted to go the fastest.

The men caught on. Though they still has to cross the mud pit, Y/N has already fled.


Philip and his collective team is now exploring the wide and crowded part of the mountain. The trees are thick and huge with leaves shadowing anything under and grass high enough to blind a man.

They started putting more traps. The amount of limited space makes the trap more efficient.

After trapping the secluded areas of the woods, they quietly walked to the next kilometer when they heard a scream.

( 755 words )

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