Yandere Male Mafia Boss x Male Reader

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Warning: Do be aware that this has toxic behaviour that should not be tolerated.

Mafia Boss: Marcus


The sound of rain deafened as the footsteps create loud sounds amidst the quiet atmosphere of the city.

Slithering through every crevices i could find, i feel my all leaving my body for it is aching.

The thought of being caught still accurse me of not having a rest when i needed to.

Running through alleyways and jumping over gates, i found myself being pursued more and more by his guards.

It is inevitable to find myself in a situation where the only safe way out of it is to risk my life for him. I was trapped.

As much as i forcefully tried to spread myself to freedom, i can't. They had every control of this city.

Marcus on the phone with me wrapped in his coat shivering not just by the cold but by Marcus himself.

I could feel every turn the car took. The body is unusually aware but in pain.

Finishing his conversation, i am the next. Pulling me closer to him, he "comfortably" whispered.

"Let's get you heat up." I didn't trust him. Not even an ounce. I just looked down and away, avoiding his nerving gaze.

I ignored him throughout the ride and let my body receive what it deserves. Rest.

Following to the mansion i lived in, it has never change. The hallway was still clean and tidied to it's best.

I was bought unto our room and into the bathroom where i was settled down unto the tub.

He bathe me, rubbed and cleaned me as gently as he can with his rough, calloused hands. It was comforting for my body but not for me.

He knows i can only depend on him if i ever want life to be easy and he knows his right. Without him, i could never imagine myself sitting on a tub being tended by someone.

He made sure he was my only hope for ease, grandeur, and bliss. He took my freedom and kept me under glass.

Left alone in the tub for minutes, i was given to rest my body but never my mind.

Every thought raced with each other to be thought. There was a race to see which thought i could think. The bad ones are the ones who always win.

Where am i gonna go? If i leave, who am i gonna lean on? What would make me want to never leave his grasp?

It never was my intention for this to happen and i have to take responsibility of this.

After what seemed like a minute of thinking was actually 15 minutes of silence on the other side.

He stood at the door, the light emphasizing his great stand with a tray on his hand.

Marcus offered me fancy foods i was tired of eating. A simple taco or a twinkie is enough to satisfy my mind.

I hesitantly grabbed the food and ate it. It never was poisoned or drugged. I get to live another day.

Contrasting to my horrid emotion, his eyes squinted as his mouth reminisced of the letter U.

I could look all the things this man has done to me behind this face. I will never forget the torture i suffered alone.

"Let's get you to bed." He said breathy and deep. Sent chills from my back to my tailbone.

He carried me like a bride and slowly put me to the bed. Covering me with the comfortable duvet.

The need to rest overpowers any need my body needs and it gets every little chance it can to have it.

As i slowly close my eyes and surrender myself to slumber, a click i heard, followed by a deep, dark, and evil chuckle.

I was completely gone to my sleep yet should i cherish this moment of silent, peace, and tranquility as it probably will never visit me once again.

After what felt like a minute of sleep was followed by me opening my eyes.

The light of the moon is the only illumination against the darkness of the room.

I felt arms wrapping me, it was Marcus' hands.

I tried to get them off but i felt my arms restraint. Both of my hands were cuffed on the bed. I am terrified.

It felt like history has repeated itself. After what I've done, there's no doubt he will retaliate.

Suddenly waking up from my movement, he sat up looking at me.

He held this look of sadness but behind was a sinister and evil truth. He can harm me anytime.

Cupping my hands and kissing my face, he never once looked away from my eyes. Only when he closed them to touch me.

I don't like it anymore. It hurts me to feel his touch after what he's done. I feel betrayed even more.

Asking him to stop, he did for a while then proceeded to touch me more. This time, it was riskier, bolder, intimate and forced his way unto me.

Removing the clothes i desperately needed, he left me with only my shorts and underwear.

Everything was hot and he took advantage of it. He took the duvet and my pants away.

I was afraid and scared of what's gonna happen next. He made it feel anticipating but it only made me worse.

Free from any cloth touching my body, he took a look of my body. A smile is imminent on his face as he was proud of what he's done those past days.

Bruises and marks littered my body. Some of it still stung when provoked and i can't comprehend how he saw nothing of his wrongdoings.

He started kissing my body and i just let him. I needed the energy for tomorrow. Either way, i will be damned if i do something.

It only stopped with him kissing me and staring at my body. Proud of his work.

He pulled the duvet around us and the warmth lost was regained back. He kissed me goodnight and let me close my eyes.

Surrendering once again to rest, i let my guard down and closed my eyes and mind.

What i didn't know is he will be staring at me, thinking of the punishments and lessons i have to learn again while i was asleep for a long long time.

(1068 words)

(Hope you like this. Am proud of it. Want part 2?)

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