Chapter 10

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     "Oh my God!! JK!!!!!!" I ran towards them but before I reach them

     A car stopped infront of'em. A woman got out which is Jk's mom.

     "What are you doing to my son?!" Ron and his friends quickly ran away from Jk "You jerks!" Tita screamed.

     She said something to Jk that I can't hear because of our distance. She pulled Jk up and got in the car then drove away.

      Once they were out of sight, that was the time I felt guilt. I could've done something. I could've help Jk and beat up those bastards.

     I feel bad for just standing here and watched Jk get beat up by his bullies. I feel bad for doing nothing.


Jk's POV

     "So what should we do?" It's Lunch break. Me and James ate outside to talk about serious matters. Glob, too dramatical line.

      "Later, Dismissal time, we seperate ways to buy our gift for her. Then later, since the three of us sits next to each other, we will make a list of all the things we would buy and the party plan. Good thing she has a lot of friends. They all gave us some money to be able to buy all our needs." I'm kinda nervous about this. I hope all will go to plan.

     "Maybe Emma and Coby could set the place with the others while we buy all the stuffs. Btw, here's the money you would use to buy the party stuffs." I hand him the cash.

     "Okay. C'mon let's head back before our afternoon period starts." We went back to school.

*During 1st Period*

     "Hey guys! Why'd you left me during lunch?" She's been forcing us to tell her why.

     "Uhh. We just had some boy talk." "Yeah! We just talked about boy stuffs." "Fine!"

     Yes! We're done with the list. We could now focus in class.

     Wait. I think I'm forgeting something. Hmmmm.... Oh, I remember now! Oh God, this is gonna be a bad day. Ron and his friends.......

      Its their Bully Day!!!


Dun dun dun dun!!! Hahaha. I will publish the next chapter later. I'm just gonna do my project.

Btw, since you guys are really awesome I would like to ask a favor. Please read my new Jk Fanfic "Tonight". I already mentioned it in my previous author's note chappie. Please read, vote, and spread. Thank you very much. Love ya'll!!!


"Tonight" is already published!

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