the plane crash

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Meredith's pov
I was feeling very dizzy my eyes opened slowly we were in between the woods somewhere I couldn't understand what happened. Then I saw cristina shouting on the top of her lungs
I asked her did we have a crash ?
She said I don't know I only have one shoe
I was trying to find derek,lexie,mark and arizona I told cristina furiously
Screw your shoe find derek,lexie,mark and arizona but she didn't listen to me instead she kept on searching for her shoe and then she saw mark lying there he was in a critical condition we needed to help him and then I saw lexie some parts of planes were over her she needed help  as much as I wanted to cry I needed to hold it in and help them so that they live so cristina told me to bring her suit case then I ran to get it as fast as I could we didn't have the equipments we needed to save them I asked cristina
What are we going to do ?
She said calm down and think how can we help them I said we should stop the bleeding I'll get some bandage's from the first aid then we did everything we could and mark was finally fine not out of the danger but fine for now
So we moved to help lexie but we had to move the parts that were over her at the same time we couldn't risk it because we didn't have enough bandage's to stop the bleeding so it was a lose lose situation also we needed help with moving
so I said to lexie: lexie you are my baby sister I'll not let anything happen to you just hold on and I love you
She murmured  I love you too meredith and tell mark that I'll love him forever
I said you will tell him that on your own because you are not dying not today
Lexie smiled in pain
I realized that we haven't found derek and arizona yet so I was shouting derek derek derek derek a part of me thought I'm going to lose everything today but still I had to go on
Derek's pov:
I heard meredith screaming my name but my hand was trapped in something so I tried being careful to save my hand but meredith kept screaming all I could think was what if she's hurt and she need's me I need to meet her
Then i pulled my hand out of that thing it hurted like hell but in that moment all I could think was is meredith safe ?
I ran to where her voice was coming from while I took out my jacket and covered my hand with it because it was bleeding heavily I shouted
She came running to me and hugged me so tightly as if the world was ending and the only place she is safe is in my arms so I hugged her back with the same feelings
Meredith's pov:
Thank god you are safe I love you I said to derek
He said I do too
I told him we need to help lexie so we ran back to her and then me,cristina,derek and mark decided we should lift up the parts and give her an actual short at living also we thought of every consequence's that could happen and did everything we could to prevent it we grabbed our clothes and decided to stop the bleeding by using them when needed then we gathered every bit of aspirin and morphine  which was very little but still we gave it to her
And then together me cristina and derek tried to lift up the parts mark was too weak to help and arizona was nowhere to be found
And after many attempts we did so
She was in a critical position she was bleeding out mark wouldn't stop crying and screaming lexie I love you
We had already sanitized needle and thread by the sanitizer we found in the first aid
We stopped the bleeding and then we did sutures to stop it completely I cannot imagine the pain she is growing through we couldn't even give her more morphine to less her suffering then derek realized that her blood has builted up in her brain and was starting to compress her brain tissue she need's a burr hole asap  he shouted I said
What do we do ?
I felt so helpless I haven't felt this helpless ever I knew how to help her we even had the world's best neuro surgeon with us but we didn't had the means to help her the freaking equipments it was the worst feeling I have ever felt and then derek started shouting like an idiot
We have a straw with us A STRAW
I said wow now we have another person who is going through  PTSD and was just waiting to cristina to say I only have one shoe again!!!
Then derek said yessss we can help her but the chances are  only 3 percent
I felt bewildering and asked him how ?
He said we have a needle which should be enough to break the meninges and then we could suck the blood out using the straw and then cristina started  helping him out and then he made a small hole in her skull and then was trying to suck the blood out with straw then the surgery was about to finish and we hear a voice I need help Derek's hand couldn't move if they did chance of lexie dying would increase more which were already quite high but his hands moved a little I prayed to god please save her in my mind and derek said to me
You go help arizona me and cristina will take care of lexie and then I ran to arizona I saw she had a infection on her legs which was really bad
then she told me the pilot needs CPR I cannot get up you have to help him I said okay I helped him he was stable for the moment although he was paralyzed from the waist down  but atleast he was alive then I asked Arizona
Are you okay ?
She said noo my leg has a infection do we have antiseptic ?
I said we might have some in the first aid let me get it for you
We had very little of antiseptic left because we used it all on lexie
So I said there's not much
She said give it to me and used it
Then she asked where is cristina,derek,mark and lexie are they alright?
Mark and lexie are both severe and Derek's hand is injured but he is still helping lexie with  the help of cristina
What is he doing? she asked
I said burr holes
She said what burr holes ? How?? Wow? That's badass
I started crying and said I know
Arizona said come over here and HUGGED me and said she'll be alright
I said she might not survive
Arizona said it's okay we are all gonna be okay
I went to look over lexie I saw her she was on the ground and
DEREK AND CRISTINA WERE HUGGING  I knew she didn't make it because cristina HUGGING ? Someone must be dead but still I ask them
Is she alright ?
They looked at me happily and said yesss she is
I was so happy I hugged both of them
We tried to sleep but lexie wouldn't stop crying insects were always trying to get to Arizona's leg Derek's hand hadn't stopped bleeding yet he needed heparin but we didn't have it
We tried getting help but failed
The pilot was missing his wife so he was singing more like murmurring
A THOUSAND YEARS BY Christina perri
We all joined him in the middle (meredith ,cristina ,derek ,mark, lexie and the pilot sing along)
One step closer
I have died waiting for you every day
Darling don't be afraid
I have loved you for a thousand year's
I'll love you for a thousand more
(Lexie looks at mark while singing her eyes were so full of love and passion it was like she finally felt peace when she looked at him)
(Derek kisses meredith aggressively)
Cristina and Arizona look at each other awkwardly
After some time
Cristina says
I only have one freaking shoe...

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