10// Chocolate Strawberry

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Tuesday Night

After skiing, we all piled back into the van exhausted. I purposefully sat next to Becker this time, and I noticed my mom look away as if she didn't see me sit next to him. My dad looked back and gave me a thumbs up, and I immediately knew he talked to her about our conversation the other morning.

Becker didn't notice this little transaction. He seemed much more transfixed on me.

"You were reading the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes on the plane," he stated in a matter of fact way as he leaned against the window, drawing a smiley face in the condensation.

"Yes, I love mysteries," I said as I peered beyond him.

"Me too!" He whipped his head and his hair brushed along the window, flicking water droplets towards me. He reminded me of an eager puppy dog. I guess he was really serious about us becoming friends. It somehow made up for everything he said in the past. I felt validated and very forgiving, which is not my usual temperament.

I turned my eyes towards the bus driver.

"Have you seen NCIS?" He asked, still looking at me.

"Yeah, I love Abby!" That was one of my favorite shows.

"Forensic Science is pretty sick!"

"Oh and that Ari villain..." I started, "very attractive!"

"He was insane! He killed off..."

"Shh! No spoilers!" Dr Midge Greene said, whipping her head around to face us as she put her finger up to her lips. 

"Dr Greene," I laughed, "the show came out so long ago!"

"It was not THAT long ago," my mother said, and all the adults laughed.

"What's MCES?" Laura asked.

"The person... that was... killed off," Becker started hesitantly, "was my favorite character."

"She was kind of a prude," I poked him in the arm, teasing him.

Becker looked at me with a wide grin.

"That made her all that more attractive," he whispered.

I gave him a questioning look before turning to look at the snow.

"Hey kids," my dad said a little into my sightseeing, "dinner tonight is nice again. The lodge is having some sort of a celebration, so when we get back, take some time to ice the aches and pains and then get ready for that."

"Oh, honey," my mom turned around, "I brought the little star hair clips, but I'm not going to wear them. Do you want those for tonight?"

"Yes, thank you," I beamed. I love those clips.


When we got back to our little townhouse, I ran upstairs to yank the snow suit off and I pulled out the black, tight, backless dress. This was the night. My mom handed me the star clips and a small handheld mirror, and I started by putting my hair, curling from the snow of the slopes into a loose updo adorned with small bejeweled star clips.

Somehow, my mom finished getting ready before me. I couldn't find my favorite blush in my bag and everyone was calling me from downstairs. I couldn't use my mom's since she was a few shades tanner than I was, not naturally, but still.

I heard some footsteps come up the stairs and my heart started racing.

"One second," I called out not wanting it to be Becker for fear he'd see me before I was ready for him to. Since when did I care how he saw me?

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