11// Ice Cream Sundaes

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Tuesday Night Later

The adults are drunk, which means Becker and I have to get the kids ready for bed. The adults are asleep... probably... I won't think about it... in each of their rooms, and Becker is with Weston, getting him into pjs. I am helping Laura brush her few teeth and her thin blonde hair.

"So are you married yet?" She giggles at me in the mirror.

"I won't be married for a long time." I'm still fully dressed up, unlike Laura in her Sophia the First purple pjs, and I think to myself that I look really pretty.

"Me too," Laura grins, "maybe we can get married at the same time."

"When do you plan on getting married?" I asked her as I brushed her hair back.

"When I'm 25," she grinned.

"I'll be 38 when you're 25," I laughed.

"Yeah, but you won't be married," she giggled at her cruel joke, and I picked her up off of her step stool and held her hand as we walked down the stairs.

Becker had tucked Weston into bed, and lifted Laura into the bed when she ran up to him.

"You're my favorite baby sitter," she told Weston, "and that," she pointed at me, "is my second favorite babysitter." Then, she giggled as if that sealed some sort of a deal, before climbing under the covers and loudly declaring, "goodnight!"

Becker and I glanced at each other suspiciously and then stood, turned out the lights, and went downstairs, still fully dressed.

"It's only 8:30," I said as we crashed on the three seater in front of the tv.

"Wanna watch Midsommer Murders and make some ice cream sundaes?" Becker asked as he pulled a dvd set from under the couch.

"Where did you find that?" I chuckled.

"It was under the tv set," he pointed to the tv stand's wood drawers.

"Then why was it under the couch?" I giggled.

"Is that a no?" He mocked putting the dvd set back under the couch.

"No," I laughed as I stood, "I mean yes, it's a yes. Just let me change real quick."

"Wait," he said standing too. He walked over to me, slowly, and reached up to my ear. I felt the warmth of his hand in my hair as he... grabbed something and pulled away. "A leaf," he smiled and then handed it to me.

"How long was that there?" I exclaimed.

"I just now noticed it," he laughed stepping back. He looked me up and down. "That dress, Trisha... it's... you are just. Even without the dress. No wait I don't mean as in no dress. I don't. Not that I am imagining you without the dress on... I" he flushed crimson.

I burst out laughing. "I'm starting to think the reputation that proceeded you was just made up of your miscommunications when trying to compliment women."

"This doesn't happen to me with most women," he smirked, "just the pretty, freckled ones."

With that I winked at him then turned around, ran upstairs, and changed into my Target button down short sleeve blue pjs. I tugged at my hair until it fell loosely around my shoulders and I washed all of the makeup off in the bathroom. By the time I got downstairs, Becker had somehow already changed into plaid pj pants and a Def Leppard concert t shirt and was grouping the ice cream sundae ingredients together on the counter while Midsommer Murders played on the tv.

"Welcome to the best slumber party of your life, Trisha," Becker said as he walked around the counter, grabbed my elbow, and pulled me towards the ice cream.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 23 ⏰

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