Chapter 8

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Zayn's POV:

I walked back into my apartment and noticed that Kaitlyn was no where to be found. I noticed a pink sticky note on the counter that said: Staying at a hotel come find me if you want to have a good time. xx -Kait

Everything I once felt for Kaityn had disapearded when I found out about the truth. But now the truth was coming back to haunt me and I had to stop her from telling Lena. I know it is dangerous to keep something like this from her but I just can't bring myself to tell her.

I sat down on the barstool and grabbed my phone. I scrolled over Lena's name trying to decided if I should call her or not. I dialed the number then quickly hung up deciding I didn't want to tell her. This secret was haunting me and I needed to do something about it.

From: Lena

Did you just call and hang up?

To: Lena

Sorry I must have butt dialed you. I'll see you tomorrow at school. xx


Lena's POV:

I woke up and got ready for school. Another boring day, the only exciting thing was that I got to see Zayn. When I got to school I noticed that Zayn's motorcycle wasn't in the usual spot it always was. I looked around the small parking lot but couldn't spot it anywhere. I walked into school alone and saw Milly and Ben holding hands. Well this is just the perfect day so far, not. I sighed and walked to my seat. I sat in class my eyes glued to the door the whole time hoping Zayn would walk in. By the end of class he still wasn't there.


I got home and I needed to clear my head. I decided to go on a run. I threw on my running clothes and headed for the park. I ran throught the park and heard my name called from the distance. I turned around to see Kaitlyn.

She was wearing a tight skirt and shirt and had a smirk on her face. "What do you want? Zayn told me about you." I said.

"Oh really what did he say? That we had amazing sex together? That he still loves me?" she asked her smile growing bigger.

She was getting under my skin. I couldn't help but clench my fist breathing heavily to try to calm myself. I began, "No he told me that you're a liar and that he likes me and not you."

"Wrong thing to say little girl. Zayn love's me, and he always will. We are attached for life. We have a child together, and I'll never let him forget it"

My face went blank everything started spinning. I thought I was going to puke. I ran away tears pouring out of my eyes. I wans't sure if this was Kailtyn getting under my skin or if she was telling to truth.

When I got home I ran to my room and locked myself in. I jumped on my bed and screamed as loud as I could into a plush pillow. It hadn't gotten my anger out so I walked over to my closet and started throwing my clothes everywhere. They landed on the floor the bed the lanpstand my desk. Clothes were strewn all over. I fell to the ground, a pile of clothes catching my fall, and started crying. I couldn't stop. If what Kaitlyn said was true, then I didn't know what else she said was true. But if she was lying, it still felt like it was going to be different between me a Zayn. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out to see who it was. Across the screen was the beginning of a message from Zayn.

From: Zayn

I want to see you. x

I gathered my thoughts before sending a text back to him

To: Zayn

I ran into Kaitlyn today, she told me about your baby, is it true? Please tell me it's not.

There was no responce. I sat up against the end of my bed frame and grabbed my journal from underneath my mattress. I began to write. I heard a knock interruping my thoughts.


"It's me Zayn. We need to talk." he said giggling to door knob.

I got up and unlocked it for him. "What do you want Zayn?"

"We need to talk." he said walking in. "Woah are you remodeling?"

"Very funny. No I was mad." I replied, still holding a small grudge.

"Lena calm down please. There's nothing I want more than you." He replied pulling me into a hug.

I stood there motionless, not hugging back. "Please just tell me if it's true." I said into his chest. I felt him tighen up. He pulled away.

"Yes, it's true Lena. But I don't have any feeling for her-"

"Save it Zayn. You don't need to explain it to me. It was your life, your choices. I just can't believe you didn't tell me. I want you to leave now, please."

"Lena I'm-"

"Just leave" I replied pushing his out the door and locking it again.

I didn't know why it hurt so much. It wasn't like he cheated on me. It wasn't even like we were dating now, but it just felt like he betrayed me somehow. Something felt wrong. I just couldn't put my finger on it. I just needed to be alone. In just a couple weeks time my whole life had fallen apart. And now it felt like I was at rock bottom.

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