Chapter 13

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Lena's POV:

I woke up from a restless night of sleep, tears streaming down my face, screaming in my sleep. I spring up looking around the room realizing I'm in my own room. I'm at home. I remember the events of the day and recall how I had to leave Zayn, but also I remembered the love we made. The intimancy we shared, with the person I love. There was nothing I would take back about that moment. It was absolutely perfect. I knew that leaving Zayn was for the best, I had to set him free. He was going to be away for a while probably the rest of senior year.

The first couple of weeks we talked non stop, every moment we had spare we were either texting, facetiming, or just on a call with eachother. It had been extremely hard to be at school without Zayn but I had something to look forward to, I was going to be able to visit him for his final competition when friends and family were allowed to visit.

Another month had passed and graduation had come and gone. The last part of senior year was a blur. None of it seemed important to me. My grades were slipping and I wasn't motivated to do much. But I couldn't bring myself to tell Zayn that. I didn't want him to worry about me while he was there. I knew he was having the time of his life, which made me happy. Zayn ended up getting a tutor and finishing school there. It was now a week into summer and I was finally going to get to see Zayn again. I packed up a bag with a few spare clothes. I chucked my stuff in the car and headed towards Manchester.

When I got there I remembered exactly how to get Zayn's room. I ran there but there was no sight of him. i went to one of the workers and asked if they had seen Zayn anywhere.

"I think I saw him with some girl in the lounge." he replied.

My heart sunk. Had Zayn found someone else while he was here? Over the last month we hadn't talked much, not like we had the first two weeks, since we had both been so busy with our separate lives.

I walked to the lounge room and took a deep breath. I held it for a moment then let it go as I walked in.

I opened my eyes slowly and saw Zayn and a girl with silky brown curly hair talking.

"Mhmm" I cleared my throat.

Zayn turned around and his face lit up. "Lena! You're here!" he said running to me and picking up in a giant embrace. He set me down and pressed his lips to mine. Well that answered my question. There was nothing to worry about. "I missed you so much!"

"I misssed you too Zayn. I love you." I whispered hugging him again. I looked over his shoulder to see Kaitlyn standing there. I pulled away. "What's she doing here" I said kind of annoyed.

"Be nice." Zayn whispered. "I'll explain later."

"Nice to see you again Lena" Kaitlyn said.

She caught me off gaurd by her politeness. Maybe I should be nice back. Maybe she did change. "It's nice to see you too" I said.

She walked over to me and gave me a hug. I stood there for a moment before wrapping my arms around her as well.

"I can't wait to spend the day with you tomorrow while Zayn's rehearsing" Kaitlyn spoke letting go. "Well I'll let you two catch up" Kaitlyn said prancing out of the room.

"Well that was umm.."

"Strange?" Zayn said finishing my sentence.

"Yeah you can say that again." I replied. "Why is she here?"

"I don't know she just showed up. She says she's changed and wants me to be happy." Zayn said. "She said she wanted to find our baby"

My mouth dropped open. "So what does that mean for you?"

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