Part 1

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Once upon a time in the Montague and Capulet gnome garden, there lived a handsome male gnome. His name was (your name). He wore purple because he was on the Montague side and the Capulet sideside. He was best friends with Gnomeo and Juliet and he was the one who helped them plan their wedding.

One day when the owners were gone, the gnomes started to decorate the garden.

"Ugh, Gnomeo, don't put the pink flamingo over there. It looks really bad!" Juliet complained to her boyfriend.

'I wish I had a boyfriend...'  You thought sadly.

"It's okay, guys. We can put the flamingo the middle of the garden," You tried to reason with the fighting couple.

"Ugh! You don't understand. This has to be perfect," Juliet shouted as she ran off and jumped onto a big rock.

Gnomeo sighed sadly and started planting some blue flowers, which was his favorite color.

You sighed sadly and picked up a pretty flower as you started walking away. "I wish I had someone to love."

You took a sad walk around the house and came back to the garden after about 30 minutes later. When you had arrived back, Gnomeo and Juliet looked scared.

"What's wrong, guys?" You asked concerned.

"ALL OF THE GNOMES ARE GONE!" They both yelled.

You gasped in shock. "How did this happen!?"

"I don't know," Juliet said, crying.

Suddenly two gnomes ran into the yard. One was short, had a blue suit on and a cane. The other was tall, had a green detectives coat on and a magnifying glass. You blushed when you saw him.... we're you.... falling for him??

"Come with me, I can help you find your friends," the green one said, grabbing your hand and running out of the garden. Gnomeo and Juliet quickly followed, both extremely confused. The blue one sighed, feeling left out, soon following behind.

As you and the other gnomes we're running, you were very confused.... Where did all of the gnomes disappear to? Who were these gnomes that grabbed you and started running?
Suddenly, the green one pointed at a drain or whatever it was in the street.

"We need to get down there, that's the fastest way down."

"Fastest way to what????" Gnomeo shouted, very confused.

"To your friends, of course!" The blue one said, as if it was obvious.

As you jump down into the sewer, you saw a tiny boat for waiting for you.
When you were getting on the boat with the others, a hand reached out to you.

"Let me help you. I'm John Watson and this is my friend Sherlock Gnomes," The one in blue said.

"You're welcome, sir," he said, tipping his tiny British bowler hat.

You giggled and blushed.

*one adventure later*

"Okay, let's go," Sherlock said, running off again.


"We're made of porcelain. We can't be tired," Sherlock replied.

You and the other gnomes stood there for a second, thinking about what he just said.

"Come along, friends. We need to get to the top of that building to get to your friends," Sherlock said, sipping tea.

"I'M STILL CONFUSED!" Gnomeo shouted.

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