Part 2

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"We have no chance of getting up that building," Sherlock said looking up at a tall building.

"Oh really?" Gnomeo asked sarcastically. "Who even are you and why are you trying tohelping us? You just ran into our garden and made us come on this fantastic journey of yours," Gnomeo said with a bit more sass.

"If you wanna find your friends, I suggest you stop asking questions," Sherlock said smoking a tiny pipe.

"Yeah, Gnomeo," Juliet said.

"You know what Juliet, I don't really wanna marry you right now," Gnomeo said angrily.

Juliet gasped. "Gnomeo!!!! How could you say that!!"

"Ooooo~ drama!" You said.
(I wrote that part as a joke because I kind of thought it would be funny)

Watson pointed up at the sky with his tiny cane. "Look up there. I saw a gnome run by," He said.

"Up by that building?" You asked.

"Yes, my dear. But how would they have gotten up there?" Watson replied.

"Why don't you go find out, Watson?" Sherlock said. He sounded jealous.

"Can everyone just stop fighting, please? Fighting leads us no where," You shouted.

"Okay, I'll go up there to try and find the gnomes," Watson said, already on his way.

"Be careful!" All of you expect Sherlock shouted.

When Watson had gotten to the top of the building, one of the gargoyles had came to life and it then started to chase him. Watson climbed on to the side of the building, where the gargoyle had knocked him off the edge. A loud crash followed soon after.

"WATSON!!!!" This time everyone screamed.

You and Juliet started crying, but Sherlock was looking at something on the ground instead.

Juliet watched as he picked something up. "Your best friend just died, say something!"

"Oh, no," Sherlock said, turning a card he found over. The card had a big M on it.

"M? What does M mean?" Juliet asked, very confused.

"It's the 13th letter of the English alphabet," Sherlock replied.

"Okay listen. I'm so done with this, Sherlock Gnomes. You think this is funny, don't you?" Juliet yelled.

"Calm down, Juliet-"

"No! You've been getting on my nerves this whole time, Gnomeo!"

"Fine then. I'm going my own way now.... good luck on finding the  gnomes. Bye, everyone," Gnomeo said, storming off.

"Fine!" Juliet yelled.

"Ugh, couples," Sherlock said, shaking his head and turning away.

"You mean, you wouldn't want to ever be in a relationship with anyone?" You asked curiously.

"O-oh, uhmm..." Sherlock stuttered, while his face turned red.

You had never seen his face so red and flustered. You smiled softly. It was kind of cute to see this genius off balance.

"Perhaps with some people," He finally replied with a sly smirk on his face.

Now it was your turn to blush.

Suddenly, Juliet turned to walk away. "Gnomeo may be gone, but we still have to find the missing gnomes."

"Gnomeo wasn't important to this mission, but Dr. Watson was..." Sherlock trailed off, looking unsure of himself for a second.

You quietly walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Sherlock."

He quickly cleared his throat and started walking in Juliet's direction.

Sherlock Gnomes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now